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Parting ways.

See you soon.

"No," Lucia says as she crosses her arms.

"Lucia, please," 

"Mickey no! I'm not happy about this. The three of us get to share the same base but you're being separated from us! Exactly 2,892 miles!"

Mickey sighs as he sits on her bed.

"You're being isolated from us, they couldn't even give you one of us to share a base with you,"

Mickey purses his lips as he looks at her floor.

The more Lucia talked about it, the more he felt like it was his fault.

He knew it wasn't but Lucia was so riled up over their placements.

They both knew that they were going to be separated but Lucia was outraged by the fact that Mickey was singled out.

"There's nothing we can do about it," Mickey says softly.

"I'm sorry,"

Lucia's anger turns to guilt as she hears her boyfriend's painful words.

She didn't mean to make him feel bad.

She was just angry.

Lucia sighs as she sits next to him.

"I just don't like you being so far and so alone,"

Lucia places her head on Mickey's shoulder.

He nods.

"I don't like it either, but this was bound to happen. All we can do is just move on,"

Lucia grabs Mickey's hand and sighs.

"I'm going to miss you,"

Mickey purses his lips.

"I'm going to miss you, too,"

They don't say anything else.

The two just sit there in silence.

Mickey had finished helping Lucia and Bob pack everything into his car and helped Reuben pack his own car up.

Lucia's room was empty besides the furniture that belonged to the apartment.

They were both going to miss the apartment.

So many memories.

And to know that they were going to leave it all behind and be separated, hurt them.

"Are you ready?" Bob asks as he pops his head into the room.

Lucia looks up at her best friend and twists her lips to the side.

He knew she wasn't.

Bob was ready to console her on the ride to their new home.

To hold her while she cried.

To be her rock like he already was.

Bob knew how much Mickey meant to his best friend.

He was prepared for the distance to try and tare them apart.

Come Back To Me ~ M.GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now