
416 13 58

untitled-knuckle puck
three months later


It's noticeable.

"Silhouettes on the ceiling," Mickey sang softly as Richard landed the jet.

"I've been much better but at least I'm healing,"

Richard frowned as he looked back slightly at Mickey.

"You know I haven't slept since you left but for me that's progress,"

"Are you singing?" Richard asks in the headset.

Mickey nods.

"It's a tick,"

"Well can it stop?"

Mickey purses his lips as the engine turns off.

The canopy opens and he jumps out.

Over the past two weeks, he and Richard made it a point to not get along.

Mickey wanted to make the effort to but he was still trying to get used to the new place he was in.

And the fact that everyone was far away.

He felt so insignificant.

He wasn't there to enjoy time with them.

He wasn't there to share the three bedroom apartment they had gotten to share.

Mickey felt like he was going to be forgotten.

He and Lucia made it a point to keep in contact as much as possible.

But he was worried.

He worried that she would grow tired of the distance.

Tired of the constant communication when free.

Tired of him.

Mickey couldn't stand the thought of them breaking up.

"Fanboy! Let's go!" Richard yells.

Mickey rolled his eyes as he turns around, and follows Richard.

They both get on their hands and knees before getting into a push up form.

"Down!" Yells their Captain.

Mickey huffs as he lowers himself down then back up.

Richard had blamed him for the reason they were doing push ups.

In all actuality it wasn't either one of their faults.

But Mickey wasn't going to argue with him.

He realized it was easier for him to keep quiet than to say anything.

Lucia on the other hand had told Mickey she was going to beat up Richard when she saw him.

Well she said.

"I'm going to bash his face in,"

Of course she said it in Italian.

And that's just putting it nicely.

What she actually said most likely could get her into trouble.

Just by saying it.

Which made Mickey happy.

He could stick up for himself just as well as Lucia could for him.

But he loved it when she did.

Seeing the aggression and rage inside her turned him on.

Come Back To Me ~ M.GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now