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You're on camera.

"We're back Bob!" Lucia says smiling

She was practically skipping as they walked to their aircraft.

The past week it had been raining, causing their exercises to be delayed.

If they had to take any more notes, they were all about to explode out of boredom.

Reuben and Mickey followed behind the two smiling.

Lucia puts her helmet on and pats the side of it.

"I got my helmet, got my boys!" Lucia says as she skips to the jet.

"Uhm," Reuben scoffs.

"We are no-"

"Yes we are," Bob says smiling as he looks over his shoulder at Reuben.

Mickey pats Rueben's back as he walks past him.

"All aviators, in the air! Let's go!" Yells Giggles.

The two RIOs get in their jets as Mickey and Bob prepare for takeoff.

The two get in their backseats and the canopies close.

"Hey Lucia," Mickey says over the headset.

She looks over at Mickey and he smiles at her.

He makes a heart shape with his hands and she giggles.

"Alright aviators, let's race," Says Hannibal over the headset.

Lucia looks over at Reuben and smiles.

"You're going down Razor,"

Lucia smirks as she looks back at the strip in front of her.

"Don't be too sure about that,"

Bob and Mickey taunt each other as the two RIOs talk over the headset.

As they all take off into the air, their Admiral instructs them on their race to the day.

Reuben and Lucia both got teamed up against each other.

"Hey, Fanboy?" Lucia says smiling.

Mickey perks up at his name.

"Yes?" He asks hopefully.

"How about you and I make a bet?" She asks looking back at him.

Mickey smirks.

"What do you have in mind?"

Lucia smirks back at him before looking forward.

"You lose, you pay. I lose, I pay,"

Lucia didn't have to explain what she meant.

He already knew what she was inferring.

"You're on,"

She looks over at Rueben who throws his head back.

"You might as well surrender now,"

That's when a timer pops up on Bob and Mickey's screens.

"Go!" the men yell.

Lucia and Rueben push on their throttles, sending their aircraft to full speed.

As the two race each other, Bob and Mickey sit back, looking at each other.

Bob knew Lucia was going to win the race.

Mickey knew it too and he was okay with it.

It was the perfect excuse to take Lucia out on another date.

Come Back To Me ~ M.GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now