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Killian Rubis AndradeWest London, UK

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Killian Rubis Andrade
West London, UK

The rain beat down heavily and the thunder struck while I curled up in the large king sized bed. Snacking on the chocolate chip cookies I made earlier in the day.

I heard the front door open, and thought about getting up to say hello to Cench but decided against it, because I was already so comfortable. Also earlier in the day I made my favorite, curry chicken and white rice and cabbage with a side of plantain.

"Fuck it." I mumbled getting up, until I heard a giggle. And not a man's giggle, the type of giggle a girl does when a man is touching her.

I stopped dead in my tracks, and went to lay back down. He'd figure out there was food for him, sooner or later and I didn't want to disturb him and his guest. Settling back on the bed, I munched on the cookies and watched The Originals on Netflix. I just loved Elijah and Klaus, how they without a doubt killed for each other or the people they loved. It made my girly parts tingle.

I tried to concentrate on Klaus in full on rage mode when Rebekah and Marcel set him up, but a thumping on the wall made it difficult.

Night one was off to a raving start. Not.

I raised the volume on the television two notches and focused in, Klaus's eyes glowed that vibrant yellow as he went full on hybrid.

Then the moaning began, that's where I drew the line. I grabbed my AirPods and connected it to the television, that was just rude. Knowing you have guest, you could at least tell your more temporary guest to be respectful. 

My eyes got heavy with the sound of Elijah and Klaus ripping hearts out, and I was out soon after.

When I woke up, there was a knock on the door. I ignored it and tried to continue sleeping, except it got louder and heavier. "Aight bro your buggin' come in." I huffed past the pillow and then the door opened.

"It's three p.m. your not going to eat for the day?" Cenchs voice sounded from the door, I moved the pillow and sure enough it was three p.m. the next day.

You lose track of time when you aren't allowed to do anything, but watch over London from one of the tallest buildings in the city. 

"No I'm not hungry." I said rolling over and getting in another comfortable position, I didn't hear the door close though. This was his house and all but he was hovering right now, and I wanted to be left alone. The sleep I got the night before was awful, and my back hurt. It felt like tiny pins and needles are stabbing into my lower back. The same area I was branded in.

I hated myself, the way I looked and everything about myself. Truthfully these days I don't look in a mirror, because I don't do anything to myself but shower and make sure I was clean.

"Get up, and come eat. Lunch is on the table." He sounded upset, and because arguing with him wasn't on my agenda for the day I threw the covers off and sat up against the headboard.

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