Chapter 47

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After coming out of the Alpha Office, Anna went to the Beta Floor to pack her suitcases with the help of her two friends.

As the girls were packing the bags, Epsilon Linda entered the room.

" Why are you packing your bags?" she questions in a stern tone.

" I'm moving back to my house with my mate," Anna answered and continue to pack her bags ignoring her Grandma's presence.

" I need to speak with Anna so both of you girls can stay in the hall until then," Epsilon Linda looked at Alice and Chloe who obeyed her quickly.

" Be quick so I can go back on packing my bags," Anna muttered making Epsilon Linda growl at her disrespect.

" Looks like your parents failed to teach manners to you," Epsilon Linda snorted.

" They taught me to give respect to those who deserve it," Anna counterattack back at Epsilon Linda with a humanly-made growl.

Epsilon Linda laughs at her granddaughter's growl reminding her of Ex-Epsilon Ben in his childhood.

" You are just like Ben but he would have never abandoned the pack," Epsilon Linda muttered.

" That's because I'm not him. I'm Anna," Anna clarified.

" You children proved that. None of you are like your parents. You all are kind, smart, compassionate and genuine," Anna was speechless hearing her Grandma that she change the topic saying,

" This is what you wanted to talk about,"

" No, I wanted to hear your side of the story on why you abandoned the pack," Epsilon Linda walked and sat on the bed. Then pat on the bed for Anna to sit down.

" I was stupid to leave the pack. I didn't know what I was thinking," Anna answered.

" That's not true. You are a smart girl so you knew what you were doing. Why are you denying to tell the truth?"

Anna sighed as she felt emotions of love, caring and understanding coming from Epsilon Linda.

" There was no one for me when I needed them because everyone was busy trying to release Aston. That was my breaking point," Anna confessed.

" Your parents were overly loyal and listeners to Chris and Carol during high school. That's why, they prioritise Aston over you... This wasn't always like this. A member should know to balance their relationship along with respecting Alpha which your parents failed to do. This isn't your fault," Anna looked at Epsilon Linda doubtfully and talked back,

" You said I abandoned the pack and now it's not my fault. How does that even make sense?"

" At first, I didn't know the reason but now I do," Epsilon Linda explained.

" Alpha Noah is your closest friend so why are you against him being the Alpha which is his right?" Epsilon Linda question.

" I'm not against him being an Alpha in fact I am happy... He put Mom and Dad in the cell...," Epsilon Linda interrupted Anna saying,

" They deserve to be in the cell,"

" But they are my parents. How can I be happy and okay when I know they are facing worse punishment in the cell?" Anna snapped yelling unintentionally.

" It will take time but you will accept it," Epsilon Linda stated the truth.

" I have challenged Noah that Aston and I will take back his title and release our parents, Grandma... So it won't be long before Mom and Dad are out of the cell," Anna announced making her Grandma gasp.

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