I'll rip their hearts out, everyone who gets in my way!


No! Shut up! I'll kill you too! I'll kill you, I'll fucking kill you!

"Osamu-san! Osamu-san!" soft cries shook him awake. He got up and frantically looked everywhere looking for the voice. The light walls and shining moonlight going through the window was enough proof he just had a nightmare.

His breaths were heavy, a slight wheeze coming from his lungs. On his lips, a small poke bothered him. With the touch of his finger, he realized his fangs were starting to come out. (Shit) he covered his mouth to hide them from her. Everything would go to waste if Chizuru found out Osamu is the black wolf that almost killed her that night.

Having the other men burst in to gang up on him wouldn't be so nice either. They seem to have her as their weak spot, by the way they interacted during dinner time. Keeping a woman under their wing like a baby bird is so wasteful.

Chizuru still had her small hands on his toned shoulders, Osamu grabbed hers tightly and glared. "Don't ever try to wake me up from a nightmare, Chizuru. Do you understand?" he threatened.

"H-Hai" she whispered quickly. His shouts really scared her, it sounded like someone tried to kill him or something.

She stared at Osamu, his skin looked shiny from his sweat and his hair was over his head since he rested it on his palm. What caught her off gaurd is that he was very much shirtless, his abdomen and torso were quiye noticeable. Chizuru couldn't keep her eyes away even if she tried, the way Osamu was posed, made him look like a broken beauty.

She clapped both her cheeks to stay away from those naughty thoughts, her attention should be on Osamu right now. Gently approaching him this time, she placed a hand on his forehead,"Osamu-san, do you feel ill? You're skin is quite warm". He frowned and grabbed her wrist, it annoyed him when others try to worry about him, not like he's ever had someone to do it anyway. "You don't have to worry about me. I apologize for waking you. Go back to sleep Little One" he said more of a demanding way than suggestive.

She nodded her head although she wanted to protest. Osamu looks like someone you don't argue with. Submissively, she crawled back to her futon. (What an awful dream. I hope he's ok) Chizuru thought before falling back asleep.

Osamu tried controlled his breathing, so Chizuru won't have to see the wolf that attacked her in her room. By now his eyes would've turned red and his mouth into a snout.

He wasn't tired anymore so he just sat up to think. Osamu could hear her light breathing, she sounded peaceful in her sleep. A smirked escaped his lips as he took a look at the little bundle under the blanket.
Chizuru's small body seemed so soft and soothing just by being near it. It has been a very long time since he felt the warmth of another, much less of a female.

He shook his thoughts away, suddenly remebering the reason he was here to begin with. He wasted almost another month with no progress being done. What has he been doing? Just laying around waiting for Chizuru to bring him food. The 'chores' he's been told to do weren't demanded much. Since no one went to pester him, he decided to lay low. Isolating himself from the rest, him and Chizuru would occasionaly exchange a few words and that was it. He had the same routine as in the forest, only in a much more confined space.

(Tch. I'll look for that damn sword tomorrow. I'm too tired to kill her).

Instead of listening to the birds singing or feeling the warm sunlight on his face, Osamu was woken up by a hard smack on the face,"Wake up sleepy head".

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