(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 8

Start from the beginning

Miles: "We have to do something, Y/n"

Y/n: "Like figuring out how to get out of here"

Miles: "Ye-Wait, What? No, I meant-"

Y/n: "Yeah, I really should've put more thought into this before jumping"

Miles: "I meant the reactor. We have to finish what they started"

Y/n: "You mean, blow up the reactor?"

Miles: "Rick got sick because of Nuform. If Roxxon unveils that to the public, then who knows what will happen to the people"

Y/n: "...Spoken like a true hero"

Miles: "But you are right though. How are we suppose to get out?"

Y/n: "You said we need to destroy the generator, right? We could just stop the fan"

Miles: "But won't that cause suspicion?"

Y/n: "That's what our invisibility is for. Hey, Aaron, think you could open the silo for the reactor?"

Aaron's voice: "Sure. I've taken the liberty of looping the cameras as well"

Miles: "Thanks, Unc"

Y/n: "D.A.R.C, if you would be so kind"

D.A.R.C: "At once, Y/n"

Hacking the fan, D.A.R.C deactivates the rotors. This quickly puts the soldiers on edge as Y/n and Miles jump up to the reactor silo whilst invisible. 

Roxxon Soldier: "What's going on? Control, come in"

The Roxxon soldier radios in, only for Aaron to respond in the other line. 

Aaron's voice: "Uhh...yeah. This is Control"

Roxxon Soldier: "We got a situation here. The fan's been shut down"

Aaron's voice: "Oh that. Mr. Krieger said something about a maintenance check. Something about a bug problem"

Once Miles and Y/n were in position across from one another, with the reactor in between them, Y/n radios to Aaron. 

Y/n: *whisper* "Open the thing"

On cue, Aaron opens the silo for the reactor to the reactor, raising more concern for the Roxxon soldiers. 

Roxxon Soldier: "Control? Shouldn't we evacuate the premises?"

Y/n and Miles then placed their hands on the reactor. WIth the unstable energy of the reactor, they envisions the energy to course through their body before soon enough, they began to absorb the energy into themselves. 

As the two began to absorb the energy, the Nuform began to disrupt Y/n and Miles's invisibility, causing them to flicker back in sight. 

Roxxon Soldier: "Control, we got eyes on Spider-man. Requesting back-up"

Aaron's voice: "What? *fake static noise* You want to *fake static noise* Back that ass up?"

Aaron then cuts communication, much to the soldier's surprise. 

Roxxon Soldier: "Control? Come in, Control. Control!?"

Miles: "Hey...everyone will be alright when we're done with this, right?"

Y/n: "Well...Roxxon has armor so I doubt they'll be fatally wounded. As for us...I'm sure we'll be alright"

Y/n looks to the reactor, seeing his body slowly taking in more and more energy than he could withstand. 

Y/n: "...I hope"

Miles: "YOU HOPE!!!?"

Suddnely, the remaining energy in the reactor discharges, causing an explosion to emit throughout the room, knocking every Roxxon guards away as well as sending Y/n and Miles flying back. 

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