Christmas Holidays And The Mirror Of Erised

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A month had passed since the Quidditch incident, and now Christmas had arrived. Seth had sent a letter to his grandparents, explaining that he would be spending the holiday at Hogwarts. Despite his fondness for celebrating with Newt and Tina, Seth chose to stay because Orion's family had plans to visit his aunt. He didn't want Orion to be alone for Christmas. Additionally, he believed that by staying at Hogwarts, he could also help Harry and Ron in unraveling the mystery of Nicholas Flamel's identity. Also Hermione, upon learning that Seth would remain at Hogwarts for the holidays, felt disappointed. She had been looking forward to the possibility of him returning with her so they could spend the journey back together on the train.

Currently, Harry and Ron were playing wizard's chess while Seth was reading his grandfather's book with Twig as he waited for Orion to come back with Shadow and Mischief. But Seth's reading was soon cut off when he came to the page that talked about Bowtruckles. Since that seemed to captures Twig interest as he kept pointing at the picture and then back at himself.

"Yes, Twig, that's you." Seth replied with a grin.

"Knight to E5." Harry said to his tiny chess piece.

Ron grinned as Hermione approached and observed them.

"Queen to E5." Ron said.

The queen listened and went and smashed Harry's piece with her chair.

"That's totally barbaric!" Hermione exclaimed in shock.

"That's wizard's chess." Ron said as he turned to face Hermione. "I see you've packed."

"I see you haven't." Hermione replied.

"Change of plans, my parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother, Charlie. He's studying dragons there." Ron said.

"Good. You can help Seth and Harry then." Hermione said. "They're going to go and look in the library for information on Nicholas Flamel."

"We've looked a hundred times!" Ron complained.

"Not in the restricted section." Hermione said as she closer to them. "Happy Christmas."

Hermione was about to leave until she stopped in her tracks. She turned around and said, "Seth?"

"Yes, Hermione." Seth said, looking up from his book.

"Would you... would you mind coming with me?" Hermione asked shyly.

"O-of course." Seth stuttered in a bit shock.

He swiftly rose, scooping up Twig and stashing him in his pocket. Without noticing Harry and Ron's mischievous grins, he hurriedly trailed Hermione.

Exiting the Great Hall, the pair strolled toward the Hogwarts Express. Upon their arrival, Hermione turned around to face Seth.

"You will look while I'm gone right?" She asked.

"Of course." Seth said. "If we find anything, I'll let you know with an owl."

Hermione smiled as she then surprised Seth once more by enveloping him in a stong hug, not being able to control herself anymore.

"I'll miss you, Seth." Hermione whispered as she held him in a hug.

"I'll.....I'll miss you too, Hermione." Seth replied.

As the Express began to board, Hermione released her grip on Seth, sharing one last farewell with him and Twig before she made her way onto the train. Just before it departed, she waved goodbye to Seth, who waved back in return. After the train disappeared from view, Seth decided to go and check on Orion.

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