Ten Years Later And Meeting Harry Potter

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Dear Arielle,

It's been a whole year since you left for France, and I can't stop missing you. I've been writing letters to you like we promised, but it's hard not hearing back from you. Did I do something wrong? Did you forget about me? I can't help feeling a bit lost without you.

Twig misses you alot too. He keeps asking about you from me. He misses how the three of us used to be together. I can't blame him since I miss it too. Sometimes I wish I could turn back time to our good old days. I hope France is everything you dreamed of and more, but I can't help but wish you were here.

Please write back when you can. I want to know about your new adventures and know that you are alright. I'll be here, waiting eagerly for your words, and I promise Arielle I'll never forget you.

Until we meet again,

Seth carefully folded the letter, gently placing it inside an envelope. With a swift motion, he affixed a stamp to the front. Opening his bedroom window, he gave the envelope to his house owl and let him fly free of his hands through the open window. He watched the graceful bird soar away as it was ready to take the letter to its destination.

One year had passed since Arielle Diggory, Seth Scamander's closest friend and secret crush, left with her family to move to France. Arielle was the daughter of Ezra and Mia Diggory, which made her the niece of Amos Diggory and the cousin of Cedric Diggory. Seth and Arielle had first met when they were just 7 years old, and since her family was close with Seth's family, even after their deaths they would still frequently visit the Scamander's every weekend.

During these visits, Seth and Arielle had become inseparable, and their bond deepened into unspoken romantic feelings for each other. However, before anything could be confessed, Arielle's family made the decision to relocate to France, leaving Seth heartbroken. Before parting ways, they promised to stay in touch through letters. For a while, they exchanged a few letters, but suddenly, Arielle stopped responding to Seth's letters, leaving him in a state of confusion and longing.

Despite the lack of replies, Seth couldn't let go of their connection, so he continued writing to Arielle, hoping for a response that never came. No matter how many letters he sent, Arielle remained silent, leaving Seth with unanswered questions and a heartache that refused to fade.

Twig, Seth's bowtruckle, noticed his friend lost in deep thought and decided to lift his spirits by challenging him to a playful race. After a brief moment, Seth felt a gentle tug on his wrist and saw Twig swinging playfully, holding onto a button. Suddenly, Twig falls down on to the ground as the button slipped from Twig's grasp, rolling near the bedroom door.

Filled with excitement, both Seth and Twig chased after the button like competitors in a race. Seth reached the button first, but Twig was right behind him, both reaching for it simultaneously. They engaged in a lighthearted staring contest over the button until the bedroom door suddenly swung open, revealing a pair of male feet before them.

Seth looked up to see his grandfather standing in front of them with a smile.

"Good morning boys." Newt greeted with a smile. "Am I interrupting a competition or race of some sort?"

Seth stands up as he puts Twig on his shoulder.

"Good morning grandfather. Of course not." Seth said, smiling back.

Newt's smile widened as he embraced Seth warmly, placing a gentle kiss on his head. "Happy birthday, kiddo." He said affectionately.

"Thank you, grandfather." Seth replied, hugging his grandfather tightly in return.

The Slytherin Of The Scamander Family Book 1 (Hermione x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now