First Day Classes And Severus Snape

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The next day, Seth woke up at 6:00 am, 30 minutes before breakfast was scheduled. Despite his attempts, he couldn't fall back asleep as he wished he could rest until 7:15 am. Finding himself unable to doze off, he decided to quietly retrieve his suitcase containing his creatures. Ensuring none of the other boys were awake to discover his secret, he gently pulled the suitcase from under his bed, checked the room to ensure everyone was still sleeping, and opened it without a sound. After one more cautious glance at his sleeping companions, Seth was just about to step inside the suitcase when a hushed voice caught him off guard.

"Whatcha doing Seth?"

Seth's heart gave a little jump as he swiftly turned to see Orion standing there, wearing a curious expression.

"Whoa, you startled me, Orion." Seth chuckled, trying to calm his racing pulse.

"Sorry." Orion chuckled softly, offering his apology. "What are you doing up this early anyway?" he asked.

"Well I couldn't fall back asleep so I decided to check on my creatures." Seth said.

"In that small suitcase?" Orion joked.

"Take a closer look." Seth said, a smirk playing on his lips.

Baffled, Orion examined the suitcase more closely, taking a few seconds to realize that it wasn't an ordinary suitcase-it had an extension charm on it.

"Hold up...does this...."


"So you're saying this is the suitcase you mentioned yesterday at dinner?" Orion asked, his enthusiasm growing.

Seth gave a nod before asking, "Wanna take a look inside?"

"Yeah!" Orion exclaimed quietly.

Seth steps down into his suitcase first, watching his steps carefully. A few seconds later Orion steps inside as well, only to accidentally slip and crash down the steps of the case after the case snapped shut, colliding with various objects.

"Are you alright, Orion?" Seth asked, chuckling at the boys clumsiness.

"I....I think so, but that was one of a-woah."

Orion glanced around the room, finding himself in a large wooden shed. Inside, he spotted a camp bed and notes hanging on the wall. A desk held a typewriter, stacks of manuscripts, a medieval bestiary, a drawing kit, and a camera. Maps, drawings, and moving photographs of extraordinary creatures decorated the walls. On a shelf, collecting jars and rows of potted plants were neatly arranged. Across from that, a canvas and painting supplies were there.

"This place is amazing." Orion said with awe.

"I'm glad to hear that." Seth said with a smile on his face.

As Orion's eyes roamed the area, Seth decided to take a look at his creatures. Shadow, Mischief, and Twig seemed to detect Seth's arrival within the suitcase, and they eagerly dashed towards him, engaging in a spirited race to determine who could reach Seth the quickest.

Seth saw them running towards as he quickly kneeled down, the three of them arrived at the same time into Seth's arm as Twig had hung on to Shadow. Shadow and Mischief started nuzzling themselves into Seth while Twig found his way on his shoulder.

Observing their approach, Seth swiftly knelt down. The trio, Shadow, Mischief, and Twig, reached him simultaneously, with Twig gripping onto Shadow. As if synchronized, Shadow and Mischief began affectionately nuzzling against Seth, while Twig perched himself comfortably on Seth's shoulder.

"It seems you all longed for my company after just a couple of hours apart." Seth remarked with a chuckle, his hand gently caressing his creatures.

As Orion was still looking around, his eyes fell on the paintings and drawings Seth had done.

The Slytherin Of The Scamander Family Book 1 (Hermione x Male Reader) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя