Hogwarts And The Bushy Haired Girl

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One month had passed since Seth's visit to Diagon Alley, and today, on the 1st of September, it was time for him to leave for Hogwarts. During the month, Seth persistently still sent letters to Arielle, even though she hadn't responded to any of them. Despite her silence, he clung to hope that one day she would reply. Additionally, Seth arranged a dedicated spot for Shadow, Twig, and Mischief. While Twig often stayed in Seth's pocket, Seth still believed he needed a separate space for moments when he couldn't be in there. Seth also ensured he packed enough food for them as well.

"Seth dear, are you ready to go?" Tina called from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a second." Seth replied as he got the last of his stuff ready.

He then looked at Mischief and said,"Now, I want you to be on your best behavior buddy. You got that?"

Mischief looked at Seth with such cute eyes that it made his heart melt. Seth gave him a kiss as he then looked at Shadow and said, "Keep and eye on him for me please."

Shadow understood Seth as he let out a meow. Seth smiled and gave Shadow a kiss too. And then in a swift motion, Seth opened his magical suitcase and beckoned Shadow and Mischief inside before closing it. He carefully placed Twig in his pocket, gathered his belongings, and hurried downstairs before he was late.


Seth, accompanied by Newt and Tina, rushed through King's Cross Station, anxious not to miss the train scheduled to depart at 11 am. As they reached the space between Platform 9 and 10, Newt encouraged Seth to run through the barrier. Though hesitant, Tina reassured him, and they held his hands as they charged towards the barrier. Seth closed his eyes and braced himself for impact, but to his surprise, they effortlessly passed through the wall, revealing the Hogwarts Express on the other side. Seth smiled as he saw the train.

"That wasn't too bad, was it?" Newt asked.

"No, not at all." Seth said with a smile.

Approaching the train, Seth looked back to bid his final farewells to Newt and Tina. With a mix of emotions, he mustered the courage to ask the daunting question that had plagued him throughout.

"Grandpa, grandma," Seth began. "What if the Sorting Hat doesn't put me in Hufflepuff? What if I end up in another house?" He asked anxiously.

Fears gnawed at Seth as he contemplated the possibility of being sorted into any house other than Hufflepuff or even Gryffindor. Given his family's strong Hufflepuff lineage - with his father, grandfather, and great-uncle Theseus all being sorted there - except for his Gryffindor mother - he couldn't shake the worry that his grandparents might feel let down if he ended up elsewhere.

"Your house doesn't define who you are, my boy. Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin, we'll be proud of you no matter what." Newt replied with a warm smile.

"But you, dad and great-uncle Theseus were all in Hufflepuff and Mom was in Gryffindor. What if I disappoint you?"

"Sweetheart, we're proud of you just for being yourself. Each house has its unique strengths, and Hufflepuff was right for them. But it doesn't mean it's the only house for you." Tina said.

"Your grandmother is right. We're here to support you, no matter which house you end up in. Your courage, kindness, and passion for magical creatures are what truly matter to us." Newt said.

"Really?" Seth asked.

"Really." Newt said with reassuring smile.

Subsequently, he enveloped both Newt and Tina in a heartfelt embrace. As Tina brushed away her tears, Newt placed a gentle kiss on Seth's forehead.

The Slytherin Of The Scamander Family Book 1 (Hermione x Male Reader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang