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Time had flown since the ending battle between po and tai lung.

The town calmed down and so had their training, Y/n trained with them in the mornings before working at her fathers noodle shop in the afternoon.

Although the days started to seem exactly the same and almost boring to Y/n, to tigress it was as if she could finally relax and focus on herself.

Tigress spent her time following after Y/n as if she were her personal guard, observing her like and dislikes and always trying her hardest to impress the cat.

"Here let me get that for you" Tigress jumped into the air and grabbed the jar, landing on the ground silently.
Y/n tilted her head and rolled her eyes.
"Nice jump" she sighed before popping the jar open with a twist and throwing it back onto the shelf flawlessly.
Tigress frowned.

"Here i can-"
Y/n turned and stared the tiger down.
"What are you trying to prove? That your better than me? If so then i dont care, go find something else to do!" Y/n glared and turned away

Tigress stuttered as she tried to explain but all Y/n did was put up a hand and gesture towards the door.
Tigress frowned, sadly and slowly walking out of the door with her ears flat against her head.

Mr.ping stared at the tiger exiting the shop, looking back at Y/n who was cutting some mushrooms now before looking back at tigress and sneaking after her.

"You know, if you want to impress her try doing good things for po" mr ping leaned n the door
Tigress turned around and stared at the goose in confusion.
"The panda?"

"Yes the panda, Y/n cares a great deal for po and how people treat him, if you want to show her you care dont just try help her, help the people she cares about to seem genuine...cause your not the only one it seems"

Mr ping winced as he saw a pig brother leaning on the noodle stall and flirting with an annoyed Y/n.
Tigress growled.
"Alright" tigress determinedly nodded and rushed off to find po.


Y/n tiredly went to training the next morning, her eyes widened as she saw tigress holding up po in the splits and viper happily hissing to the side.

"What's going on?" Y/n questioned, rubbing her eyes.
Viper slithered over to her with a big smile.
"Tigress is helping po perform the perfect splits!" She hissed happily

"Oh alright" Y/n winced and started her stretches.
Tigress looked back at her and noded her head, not expecting to get a nod back.

Y/n signed and waved back and tigress immediately turned her head away while Y/n frowned.
'Why did she turn her head away?'

Tigress furiously blushed and shook her head at her actions.
'She waved back at me! It's working!!'

And for the next few weeks tigress gave it her all in helping po and trying to get Y/n to open up to her, leaving small gifts for Y/n here and there.


Y/n sat beside the peach blossom tree in a meditating position, her ear twitching as she heard footsteps.
"Tigress" Y/n nodded not opening her eyes.

"Y/n...the moon looks lovely today" tigress sat down beside the female.
Y/n finally opened her eyes and got off the rock she was sitting on.
"Why have you come?" She questioned

"Y/n, i need to talk to you... i-" tigress froze, red faced but grateful that the darkness hid her blushing face.

"Take your time" Y/n looked up at the taller female.

Tigress took a few deep breaths before pulling out a wrapped box and shoving it over to Y/n.
"I- i like you and i understand if you don't feel the same but..." she trailed off and stared at the ground

Y/n froze staring at the box in her hands and remembering the conversation she had with her adoptive father a few nights back.
"Just give her a chance" his defeated voice rang through her ears and she frowned, her face tinted slightly red.

For the past few days she really did pay attention to tigress, how she was patient with po, how she willingly helped mr.ping with no complaint, those small presents she left around with a single tag saying 'for Y/n'.

'Maybe...maybe i should give her a chance... maybe she is the one I was looking for all this time'
Glancing up at the stars, a single one shot through the sky and Y/n nodded to herself.

"I like you as well" she replied softly as tigress did a double take

"Really!? I mean! You wont regret this" she jumped up with a laugh spinning Y/n in a hug.
Y/n smiled.

Maybe, just maybe this would work.

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