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Y/n had split up with tigress as the two tried to save as many civilians as they could, yet she somehow ended up the valley where shifu was.

She quietly watched her brothers master wait for his oncoming ending. It was true she disliked him but Y/n could tell he had grown close to Po and meant a lot to him.

Her glare intensified as she grew determined, if this coward of a teacher died then Po would be sad. She didn't want Po to be sad, so the best solution was to save Shifu.

Suddenly she felt a presence appear on the valley, it was the same tiger from earlier when she had gone with puss to prevent the five from dying.

"I have come home, Master." Tai lung spoke, a glare etched onto his face as he cracked his knuckles.

"This is no longer your home. And I am no longer your master." Shifu answered yet his eyes glimmered with longing.

"Yes. You have a new favorite. So where is this... Po? Did I scare him off?" Tai lung chuckled coldly, his tone anything but friendly

"This battle is between you and me." Shifu seemed to sense his old students hatred towards the panda

"So... That is how it's going to be?" Tai lung growled

"That is how it must be." shifu got ready to fight, burying his feelings of affection.

Tai lung leaped towards shifu but was suddenly kicked away by a black and white blur, he got up after rolling on the floor and his dead smile widened.

"We meet again, Y/n" tai lung almost shivered from her glare but his pride was bigger than his fear so he smiled instead.

Y/n pulled out her fencing sword from her sheath and attacked as Tai lung barely dodged her fast sweeps and turns, her thrusts almost managed to pierce him multiple times.

If he had been a second slower... Tai lungs glared loosened a little and his fear began to show slightly on his face as he started to realise he couldn't overpower the black and white cat no matter how much effort he put in.


Tai lung screeched in fury and desperation, trying to reach for shifu who stood frozen as he watched his frienemy protect him, that black and white cat was full of surprises...

Y/n tilted her head and coldly replied.
"Karma's a bitch"

Before kicking Tai lung in the face and dodging a blow to her stomach.

Tai Lung continued, this time not bothering to talk to Y/n's face as she had made it clear she didn't care at all about his sob story of a past and instead turned and spoke to Shifu as he tried his best to fight off Y/n.

"You knew I was the Dragon Warrior! You always knew... But when Oogway said otherwise, what did you do? What did you do?!"

Shifu looked to the floor in shame which was a first to see for Y/n


"You were not meant to be the Dragon Warrior! That was not my fault!" Shifu tried to argue

"NOT YOUR FAULT?!" Tai Lung roared and tried to push past Y/n and pounce on his past master.


Y/n blinked as tai lung began to throw artefacts at shifu behind her back.

"Damn.." she muttered

"It was never my decision to make!" Shifu tried to cadge them

"It is now."
Tai lung jumped towards the scroll lying on the ground but Y/n bet him to it and kicked it away from the tiger

"Give... me... the scroll!" Tai lung tried to reach for it

Y/n just flashed him a smile and jumped onto a pillar, she knew the scroll didn't have anything on it that was why she didn't hold onto it as strongly as before.

"Try and get it" Y/n's canines flashed threateningly in her smile

"Y/N!!!" Tai Lung yelled, enraged.

But the feline swiftly ran and dodged without missing a beat and finally stopped when she came to a dead end.

Though unlike what tai lung expected, Y/n looked quite calm despite her situation.

"Where is the scroll." He spat venomously.

Y/n pulled out a duplicate just like she had done before on the bridge fight and then suddenly slashed it into thousands of tiny pieces.

"Gone" she spoke to tai lung who begun to laugh humourlessly

"Do you think I'm stupid?-"

"-quite" Y/n quickly replied yet he ignored her

"To fall for the same trick twice, tsk, now, where. Is . It"

"Hey!" Po suddenly appeared holding the scroll in his hands and dropped to stand by his sister, panting and resting on the door frame.

"Huff... huff... huff... Stairs... huff..."

Tai Lung stares at the panda.

"Who are you?"
...Y/n deadpanned, all this talk about meeting the dragon warrior but he didn't even recognise him when he finally met? Y/n almost snorted.

She was right.
"Idiot" she muttered under her breath while staring down tai lung.

"Buddy... I... am the Dragon Warrior! Huhhh... and..huff... my sister is the DRAGON SOLDIER!!" Po finally stood up and looked confident.

If anyone else has any fan art they would like to share I would be really exited to post it and credit you!!, unless you want to stay anonymous!

@LAZY-EMMY-ART thank you so much for creating these masterpieces, THEY ARE SO GOOD!!!!!

@LAZY-EMMY-ART thank you so much for creating these masterpieces, THEY ARE SO GOOD!!!!!

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