The trial: day 30. The end begins.

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~~ Day 30 of 30: The end. ~~

The last observation for this trial taking place today. Katsuki and Izuku sit quietly in their chairs, both anxiously awaiting for David. Katsuki leaned his head onto his hand, almost falling asleep. Izuku had one hand laid gently on Katsuki's thigh while the other tapped in rapid succession on the table. Izuku shot up the very second David entered the office. Pounding his fists on the table and throwing his chair back, causing poor Katsuki to jump out of his skin. Anger rapidly boiling to the surface as he yelled "You were supposed to fix him! You promised every week he would get better! But look at him!" He gestures toward Katsuki in his seat, waving his arm up and down so David is sure to look at all of him. "He's practically a ghost!".

A confused look drew upon Katsuki's face and as he looked at Izuku he slowly grew offended. "Hey..." He said softly with a pout.

Izuku continued to yell, his voice projecting across the room. "He hasn't been able to keep food down at all the last two weeks and he's been losing weight because of it! His muscle mass is beginning to disappear because he can barely even walk! The trial is over and it didn't work. He's still quirkless. So fix him. NOW!" His anger seething so bad you can practically see the steam coming from his ears and mouth.

David stood across the room with a straight face, barely reacting to Izuku's outburst. He nonchalantly walks over to the table with the supplies, while reaching down he speaks up. "I understand. We will try something else." He picks up a syringe and some alcohol wipes off the table then wanders over in their direction. "Let me just get one more blood sample so I can make something new." He says.

"No more samples!" Izuku yelled as he snatched the syringe out of his hand and threw it against the wall, shattering it. "How many 'samples' could you possibly need?! Just help him!" Losing control of his anger as his strong feelings for Katsuki are running through him. His vision blurs and his blood pressure spikes as he uncontrollably lashes out. Black whip abruptly shoots out as his control over his emotions vanishes. Multiple strands of black whip flail around the room, hitting random objects as Izuku screams.

Both David and Katsuki are scared of getting hit as they dodge black whips flailing. Katsuki had fallen to the floor but musters up some courage and reaches out to Izuku.

Suddenly, every strand goes limp and Izuku's head drops back. He ragdolls, falling to the ground.

Katsuki pushes his legs to throw himself toward Izuku and his arms catch him to soften the blow. He could feel Izuku's staggered breathing begin as his full body weight laid on his arms. "No. No. No. No. No." He repeated as he pulled his arms out and kneeled next to him. Sorrow and worry filled his eyes and he grabbed his face while leaning over him. "Shield! He's having a seizure. Last time it wasn't pretty. Call 119." He demanded while giving him dagger eyes over his shoulder. "Hey hey hey, come on, Izuku." He said while scanning over his face, looking for any signs of relief. The sound of him gasping for air like a stab to the heart, forming tears in his eyes. "Izu'. Izu' baby, breathe. Please." His voice breaking by the end of the sentence.
Izuku's seizure subsided after a couple minutes and he started breathing normally. Though dazed from the incident and feeling groggy. Katsuki picked up his upper half and held him tight. Izuku wasn't too sure what happened but it didn't matter because he felt safe wrapped up in his warm arms. The agency is located rather close to the emergency services building so it wasn't long before they arrived. Just before emergency personnel walked in, Izuku heard Katsuki's soothing voice whisper to him and felt his chest drop in relief.

"You scared me." Katsuki whispered while he hugged him just a little bit tighter. The emergency personnel came into the room and after examining him, suggested taking Izuku to the hospital even though he had recovered. "I'll meet you there." Letting go of Izuku's hand as he was being taken from the office. Exhaustion settled in and he took a deep breath as he turned to go sit at the table. Adrenaline being the only reason he could walk easily. He plopped his elbows on the table and put his head in his hands. "Is there anything you can do to stop the symptoms before the next trial?" Katsuki asked, turning his head, peering at David through the side of his eye.

David pushed up his sleeves to his elbows and a sick smile stretched across his face. A peculiar darkness developed in his eyes as he widened them to glare at Katsuki. "Mmmmmm, No. There's nothing you can do." Ominous meaning etched into his words. "I can't believe how perfect this went. It's almost hysterical just to look at you.". Slowly walking up to Katsuki while his breathing grew with malicious intent. Drawing a knife from his waistband and pointing it toward him.

Katsuki's eyes widened in fear and he pushed back in his chair. The unforeseen reasoning for his suffering the last thirty days instantly made perfect sense. Speaking through his teeth "You did this." He felt the sharp edge of the knife come against his neck as David started to tower over him. "On purpose." He ground his teeth as his fear turned into anger. Pulling his chin back as the knife pressed into his skin, just nicking it from the pressure. Mad at himself for not seeing this being a possibility, he didn't move. Knowing he was powerless having been weakened this much, with no quirk, no weapon, and nobody else around.

"Of course I did. It's been a long time coming. However, when I saw you with Izuku at your poor little retirement ceremony I knew something was going on between you two." David said while moving to lean behind Katsuki, hanging his body weight over his shoulders. Knife still pressed to his neck. "And you see..." He spoke in a cocky tone as he flipped the knife flat and used it to push up Katsuki's head to look at the ceiling. Enjoying the confused and fearful look painted across Katsuki's face "I just knew... I had to take you away from him. Because he belongs to me. He was meant to be mine!".

The knife dragged along Katsuki's neck as David stood up. Making a long shallow cut that began to dribble a few drops of blood down to his shirt. After wincing from the stinging cut, disgust came over Katsuki's face. "Hahhh?! The fuck are you talking about you creep!" He yelled while shoving David away from him. "The fuck is wrong with you?! You're literally a man in his late forties!" He gets out of the chair to try and run toward the door but is tripped by David, sending him tumbling to the floor.

David stomped on Katsuki's lower back and held him down while he yelped. Giggling at the sound, "Now that's just not true. We're the same age." His words are drawn out in a low tone. With a fist full of Katsuki's hair in his hand, he crouches down to speak in his ear. "I worked hard for this." He whispered, placing the knife tip against Katsuki's side. "So, I'm not letting you walk away."

The knife pushed into Katsuki's side, slipping between two ribs. Like a white hot nail was pushed between his ribs, Katsuki let out a blood gurgled scream. David pulled out the knife. Blood slowly seeped through the fabric of his shirt and onto the floor. His breathing became frantic, whining every other breath as he fought going into a panic attack.

"Come now, I have a special cell just for you." David said. Re-grabbing Katsuki by his hair and dragging him up onto his knees. "Get up and walk." He demanded.

"Like hell, bastard." Katsuki sneered.

David brought the knife up to Katsuki's cheek slowly caressing the dull side down to his neck. "Might I remind you who the one in control is here? Get up and walk. I'm gonna go find our little boy toy tomorrow and if you want me to be nice to him once you're gone you'll do as I say." Yanking his hair once to indicate the need to stand.

"Fuck you." Katsuki spit out. Using what strength he could to get to his feet and started walking.

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