The trial begins.

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~~ Two days later. Day 1 of 30: ~~

Izuku woke up early in the morning and sleepily looked at his phone to see a missed call from Professor Shield. He woke up Katsuki and they called him back. Professor Shield said that he came up with something for Katsuki's quirk and to come into the agency this morning.

"Hell yeah! Let's go!" Katsuki exclaimed. He popped up out of bed while grabbing Izuku's arm and yanking him along. They got dressed and headed to the agency. David met them at the door and walked back with them to the office.

"So we created a serum that should level out the chemicals within your body. Although we weren't able to test it on your samples so we're not sure how long it will take to work or if it will work at all. We might end up having to try something else in a month or so." David said as they entered the office.

Katsuki slammed open the door, hollering "Let's get to it!".

David chuckled at his eagerness. He walked over to a table and prepared what he needed for the injection. While explaining what side effects to look out for he gave Katsuki the shot. Also saying to get a hold of him if he starts to feel weak because it could start draining everything from his body.

"Got it!" Katsuki yelled while clenching his fist in the air. A rush of adrenaline went through him and he jumped up to take a lap around the room. Pumped up, hoping he could get his quirk back soon.

"I'm sure this will do the trick, Professor Shield." Izuku stated proudly.

They thanked him and talked small talk for a bit before heading out.

The next morning Katsuki woke up feeling nauseous. He groaned and put his hand on his forehead. "God, the room won't stop moving." He thought. His stomach acid started to rise and he felt like he was going to hurl. He scrambled to get out of bed, accidentally slapping Izuku's leg as he got up. Stumbling over his feet as he made his way to the bathroom he pushed open the door and fell on his knees in the doorway. "I'm not gonna mak-" He hurled onto the floor and bathroom rug.

Izuku woke up when his leg was slapped and worry came over him as he gained more consciousness. He had followed not far behind Katsuki and saw him fall in the doorway. Running over to him and placing his hand on Katsuki's back. His upper lip pulled up and his nose scrunched as he looked at the vomit on the floor and smelled the odor. Then his eyes widened as he saw red in the puddle on the floor. His head whipped to look at Katsuki. "What's happening? Kacchan, are you ok?" He asked, worry weaved into his words.

"I don't know. My head... it's spinning." Katsuki muttered as he took unsteady breaths.

Izuku picked him up and carried him back to bed. Katsuki's head nuzzled into his arm a bit before he set him down. "I'll be right back. Put your head back." He said while giving the top of his head a gentle pet. He went off to the bathroom and stepped over the puddle on the floor to receive the trash can. Grabbed a washcloth out of the cabinet and wet it in the sink with cool water. Hurrying back to the bedroom and setting the trash can next to the bed in case he had to puke again. He folded the washcloth and laid it across Katsuki's forehead and eyes.

Katsuki reached up and pressed the cold cloth to his head, trying to hold himself still. "Do you think the shot caused this?" He groaned.

"It's possible. He did say he didn't get to test it and that it could drop the chemicals in your body to dangerous levels." Izuku sat next to him on the edge of the bed & laid his hand on Katsuki's thigh. "Do you think we should call him?" He questioned and Katsuki nodded slowly. He pulled out his phone and went to call Professor Shield. "Oh, I forgot he said yesterday he got a new number. I need to change his contact." He dialed the new number and he answered the first ring. "Professor Shield. Katsuki woke up this morning and he's not doing great. There's some blood in his vomit and -" He continued to explain what's happening & Professor Shield told them what to do. He hung up the phone after a few minutes then told Katsuki what he was told. "He said that this could happen but it should work itself out. Wait a few hours and see if it passes, if not head over to him. Okay?".

Katsuki grimaced and reached for the trash can. Nothing came up once Izuku handed it to him. He laid back again and tried to relax and get his head to stop spinning. Not vomiting again, and after laying in bed a couple hours his nausea subsided.

Izuku came in to check on him to find him asleep. "I'm glad he was able to fall asleep, it must've passed." He thought as he re-shut the bedroom door.

Katsuki stumbled out of the bedroom a couple hours later and found his way to the couch. "I feel like I've been skewered through the gut." He said in a low voice.

"Well you would know what that feels like." Said Izuku with a hint of sass. He sat next to him on the couch and pulled him over into his arms. Just holding him for as long as it took for Katsuki to feel better. Humming gently on occasion and petting his hair as they waited for a while.

By the end of the night Katsuki felt pretty much normal and ate some food. "How often do I have to go get these shots?" He said grumpily with his mouth full.

"I think he said once a week over the next month. So four shots, once every monday." Izuku replied.

"Well that is gonna suck ass if it's like this every time." He growled, taking another bite.

The next day, Izuku was out on patrol and Katsuki was at home training. "It's so hot this summer." Katsuki said as he threw his head back and guarded his eyes from the blinding sun. Sweat dripped down his neck and spine as he took a sip of water. He swallowed it wrong and started coughing. He coughed into his elbow hard and felt some spray land on his arm. He glanced down and saw blood spray coloring his skin. "Well that can't be good. God, I'm turning into All Might." He said then continued to cough. Catching his breath he murmured to himself "Come on. Fight it. You're fine." Then stood up straight to take a deep breath and winced. "We can't let Izuku know we're still bleeding. He can't worry that hard. I don't want him to have another seizure, even if he's on meds." He thought. He fought through it and continued to train for a while longer.

His days got better as the week went along, even well enough to do the deed with Izuku and to cook. Soon enough though, Monday rolled around and they were back at the agency for the next shot.

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