The trial: day 13 & 14

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~~ The following Sunday night: day 13 of 30 ~~

Katsuki sat on the couch in the dark living room, the only light coming from the phone in his hand. A healing scent of incense burned on the end table and filled the room. He sighed sorrowfully and set down his phone, the light still shining up on him. Thinking about having to go for the third shot tomorrow and gritting his teeth. "Izuku should be home by now, it's late." He said to himself while thinking how much he misses him when he's at work.

Izuku came through the front door about five minutes later, arriving home from patrol. About to walk past Katsuki, he stopped, leaning down to kiss his soft little head. "Were you able to do anything today Kacchan?" He asked.

Katsuki felt relief run through his troubled mind once Izuku touched him, giving him enough oomph to speak up. "Not too much. I did some small exercises without puking up my lunch though, so I got that goin' for me." He said nonchalantly. He stuck his neck out and went to give Izuku a kiss but he was already walking away. His eyes widened and he pursed his lips while pushing himself up from the couch. Sassily stomping his way to the bedroom where Izuku had started to change out of his uniform. "You have some audacity, you know!" He said in a child-like tone.

"Huh?! What'd I do?" Izuku exclaimed as he turned around with his pants around his ankles. He tripped backwards and fell on his ass.

Katsuki playfully stomped over and got on his knees next to him. Grabbing his shirt and pulling him in close and saying in his face, "You didn't give me a welcome home kiss.". Then yanked him into a kiss.

Relief runs over Izuku's face and his cheeks turn pink once he realizes he's not actually in trouble. "I'm sorry, love." He said, admiring him for a moment as emotions vibrated between them before giving him another kiss.

"You better be!" Katsuki yelled before he got up off the floor, gently pushing Izuku when he released his shirt. Wincing as he stood up, he stumbled for a fraction of a second. He sat on the bed with his arms crossed and looked away from Izuku with a pout. Shaking off whatever he just felt as he stood up. "I missed you, stupid." He said through his teeth.

Izuku chuckled and stood up, shaking his pants off from around his ankles before taking a few steps over to the bed. He carefully pushed Katsuki back onto the bed and climbed on top of him. His arms out straight with his hands above Katsuki's shoulders he looked down at him and smiled. "I missed you too." Tilting his head slightly he continued to speak, "You seem to be more yourself tonight." He lifted up one hand and ran it down Katsuki's chest, letting his finger dip in the valleys of his muscles. He goes down and starts kissing Katsuki's neck softly.

Katsuki's chest drops as he exhales with relief and closes his eyes. He ran his hand through the back of Izuku's hair and held him close. "I do feel slightly better today... but my body aches." He whispered.

"That's okay, we don't have to if you don't want to. I was just offering in case you wanted to feel even better. But I would totally understand if you didn't want to." Izuku said softly.

Katsuki wrapped his arm around Izuku's waist and pulled him onto his body. In a breathy low rasp he says "I do want it. Just be a good boy and be gentle with me, baby.". He lifts up his hips to grind against Izuku's half-hard warmth. Feeling him grow harder as their cocks slide against each other over their boxer briefs.

Izuku gingerly caresses Katsuki's mouth with his tongue as he reaches down. Trailing his fingers down like following a flowing river over Katsuki's pecs and abs. He turns his hand around once he feels Katsuki's hip bones under his fingertips and slides his hand in the waistband of his boxers. Slowly pulling them down and off Katsuki's legs, then his own. Izuku's now fully hard dick flopped down against Katsuki, causing him to moan and tense his abdomen as the sudden stimulation hit him. Izuku throws his head back, away from Katsuki's mouth, a momentary string of saliva caught between their tongues.

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