A stressful morning.

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The next morning Katsuki wakes up and sees Izuku still in his arms. Giving his head a lil' kiss and wishing him good morning, but he doesn't wake up. "Tch. How are you sleeping that soundly?" he whispered. "He looks so cute." He thought to himself as his stomach growled. "Maybe I should get us some breakfast." He gently pushed Izuku off of him. He gets dressed and heads to the cafe a few blocks down the street. The door chime dings and he looks up to see a familiar face. Turning on his inner dad mode before speaking, "Hey! Good morning Eri! Since when do you work here? Don't you think you're a little young to be working? Aizawa approve of this?" He said teasingly.

"Bakugo! I haven't seen you in almost a year!" Eri said with a sassy smile. "For your information, I am fifteen now. I can get a part time job if I want to. My dads believe it'll be good for me." She giggled at Katsuki's grin. "What can I get for you?" she asked.

Katsuki smiled, shaking his head "No, I definitely remember... you were ten yesterday." He laughed at the light banter then continued "I'll have a few of these, please." pointing at some blueberry muffins. "And a couple iced matcha's, I know they're Izuku's favorite.".

Eri prepares the order and slides the drinks to him on the counter. "This is Izuku's favorite, but since when do you care about his favorites?" She tilted her head back with a 'I know what you are' look on her face. She sees Katsuki close his eyes and nod his head, implying that what she's thinking is correct. "I knew it! I knew you two liked each other!"

"Bye Eri." Katsuki said in a sing-song tone. He grabbed the muffins and drink carrier and headed back down the street to their House. Walking in, he set the muffins down on the kitchen island and took one of the drinks with him to Izuku's room. "He'll probably be thirsty when he wakes up with the way he drooled on me last night." He thought. He opens up the bedroom door to see Izuku missing from the bed. "He got up?" He thought. "Izuku?" he called out, with no response. He walks out of the bedroom and goes to the bathroom down the hall to see the door cracked open, the light peering out into the hallway. He approaches and knocks gently. "Izuku? I got us breakfast You're probably thir-" He says while peeking open the door to see Izuku sprawled out on the floor on his stomach. "Izuku!" he yelled, tossing the drink onto the counter and it spilling into the sink. He hurried down to his aid, flipping him over and seeing his lips are blue in the middle. "No! what happened?!" he cried out. "Shit!" He pulled his phone out of his pocket, his hands now shaking from the sudden rush of adrenaline. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Izuku?!" He dials 119 and puts it on speaker, then texts All Might for help, since he only lives a few blocks away and might get there before the ambulance. He talks to the people on the line with 119 and follows their instructions. Normally he knows what to do to save a life but since it was Izuku, his mind was frozen.

All might arrived after a handful of minutes. "Young Bakugo? what's happening?" He says barging into their apartment. He can hear Katsuki's cries coming from the bathroom and follows them. He rushes in to see Katsuki crying over Izuku who's stagger breathing. "We need to go!" He said.

"The ambulance will be here any second! We have to wait." Katsuki spat out.

"We'll meet them outside. Let's go. pick him up." All Might instructed.

Katsuki nodded, wiping his tears and taking a deep breath. He scooped him up behind his back & under his legs and carried him out of the house. They could hear the ambulance wailing as it pulled around the corner. He handed him over to the first responders and explained what he could. He then got in All Might's car and they followed behind the ambulance to the hospital. They took Izuku back immediately then he & All Might sat in the waiting room.

A couple hours had passed and they hadn't heard any news. Bouncing his leg anxiously, he shot up and yelled "Come on! They have to know something by now!".

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