The trial: day 7-9

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~~ Day 7 of 30 ~~

"Let's just take another blood sample before I give you the shot." David stated as he drew Katsuki's blood.

"You really need more? How much testing are you doing?" Katsuki said with annoyance laid under his breath.

"We'll probably need some every week. It congeals pretty fast." David said reassuringly.

Once the shot was administered David gave them some medical drinks in little glass bottles. "Here these should help him with the side effects. I know he had a rough time last week, so have him drink one of these tonight if he gets nauseous again."

Izuku grabbed the box and all the little bottles clanged together as he looked down at them. "Will do! Thank you for everything you're doing, Professor Shield." He said.

They headed back home with more confidence that it'll work out for the better this time. The trial to see whether or not Katsuki was going to get sick began the next morning.

It started okay with him able to train and eat without many issues. The afternoon struck and Katsuki grew nauseous again. Izuku took care of him as he spent the rest of the night in the restroom.

"I don't feel good... like my insides are tearing themselves apart." Katsuki groaned out, slumped over the toilet.

"It'll pass. It'll pass." Izuku assured him as he rubbed his back, sitting on the floor next to him. Izuku moved his hand to his shoulder and Katsuki grabbed ahold of it.

Katsuki paused for a moment, taking some deep breaths as he let his head fall over to lay on his own shoulder. "Thank you for being here for me, Izuku. I'm sorry to cause you such trouble." He said softly.

Izuku tightened his grip on Katsuki's fingers and scoffed. "I've caused you plenty of worry over my own health over the years. You're allowed to struggle. It's okay."

Katsuki shut his eyes and his chest dropped at ease. "I love you." He finished.

"I love you too, Katsuki." Izuku replied with some love dancing in his eyes.

"My name... sounds so sweet coming off your tongue." Katsuki thought. "Normally I don't like him using my first name but right now it was so comforting.".

"You haven't puked in a while, do you want to go lay in bed?" Asked Izuku. Katsuki nodded and Izuku picked him up and carried him to the bedroom. Katsuki hung on around his neck, his face buried in the nook under his ear. The house is utterly silent as they enter the bedroom. Izuku laid down, still cradling Katsuki, then placed him beside him. Katsuki released his arms from Izuku's neck and snuggled up to his side, laying his arm around his waist and nuzzling his head onto his chest. Izuku sighed, holding onto one arm and holding his head against him with the other.

"Get some rest" Izuku whispered as he kissed Katsuki's head.

Katsuki fell asleep in a matter of seconds, Izuku's heartbeat lulling him to dreamland while the exhaustion of puking several times across the afternoon caught up to him. Izuku followed soon after and they managed to sleep through the night.


The blinds were shut fully so the room was unusually dim when Izuku woke in the morning. Katsuki looked pitiful with his head still on his chest, his cheeks tinted pink with discomfort. He slowly moved him over, sliding him off his arm so Katsuki was on his back and fluffed up his pillow to make him comfy. He gently brushed his hair back and held his head for a moment before getting up to go to the bathroom. He waddled into the bathroom and drew open the blinds. The sun blinded him as the morning rays shot through the window. He rubbed his eyes and turned around to see how messy the bathroom was and noticed it smelled like sickness. Once he woke up a bit more he gathered the cleaning supplies and freshened up the room. He took a shower after. He wrapped his towel around his waist, still dripping wet hair, and waltzed back to the bedroom. He saw Katsuki sitting on the side of the bed with his head in his hands. The very dim light from the blinds highlighting his curled over back. Izuku paused for a moment and heard Katsuki dry crying, his breathing erratic. His heart broke as he approached him and swiftly wrapped his man in a tight hug. A few drips from his hair dropped down his chest onto Katsuki.

"I feel so weak, Izuku." Katsuki cried out through a dry throat. His hands still covered his face while he was taken over with Izuku's embrace.

"I know. It's okay, it's okay. You'll get your quirk back when this is over, I know it. It's only day nine of thirty for this trial. I'll help you through it." Izuku hushed.

Katsuki pushed Izuku away gently. "Look at my hands. I don't know what's happening." He said as he laid his hands palm side up across his legs. There were a few yellow callous-like lesions on his palms. "Professor Shield never mentioned this."

Izuku looked at Katsuki's hands with confusion and crouched down. He started muttering to himself, trying to work out the reason this would happen. "Yellow lesions, nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness, flushed skin tone, stomach pain... Is it from the serum or is his quirk detonating slowly inside him? When will we need to take action? At what point will Kacchan not be able to tell me he needs help?" He muttered on and on to himself quietly while analyzing his hands.

Katsuki thought about Izuku overly worrying about him and his heart ached. Suddenly again, it didn't matter what was happening to him, what mattered to him was Izuku. "Izuku... shut up." He said sweetly while reaching for one of Izuku's hands. Pulling it back, he presses Izuku's hand into his cheek like a reassuring hug. He closes his eyes to savor his touch for a moment then looks up to Izuku through his lashes. "As long as I have you, I can go through hell and back. I'll be okay." His voice wavering like he didn't truly believe he would make it, but needed to say something to calm Izuku's nerves.

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