Resolving feelings.

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A week had passed, then another, and soon it had been a month. Izuku had been getting up in the middle of the night for a while now. He noticed Katsuki is sometimes missing. "Why is he sneaking out of the house? He still hasn't mentioned to me that he's been going anywhere. Not that it's any of my business. Is he meeting with someone? Why is he hiding it?" Izuku muttered to himself while looking out the front door window.


Another week passed. Izuku woke at 1:30am and stumbled down the hall to find Katsuki's bedroom door open. He's gone again. He went back to his bedroom to grab his phone. Turning it over and the screen lighting up, he had no texts from Katsuki. He sighed as he unlocked his phone and pulled up the agency location app. Although Katsuki is no longer a pro hero his location is still on record in case of emergencies. "I know I said it's none of my business but this is just weird. "He better be at a friend's house or something." Izuku thought as he typed in Katsuki's name in the search bar. "Huh? What are you doing on that side of town? You're not even in a residential area." A look of shock ran over Izuku's face and he audibly gasped. "No... That idiot!" Izuku grit his teeth and shook his head in disbelief of his stupidity. Quickly putting on his uniform gloves & boots then headed out the door. Izuku grew irate in the time it took to fly to Katsuki's location. He knew what he was up to now.

When he arrived he saw Katsuki at the end of a poorly lit alley yelling at a man with a drunk woman's purse. He wasn't wearing his normal hero uniform. No, this was something different. It was baggy and bright orange, like street wear for traffic cones. He had a black 'X' shaped harness across his chest with kunai's tucked into the slots. Izuku perched on a balcony in the alley for a moment, watching what he's doing.

"Give it to me, you low life trash!" Katsuki yelled at the man. Fist raised with a sick smile as he started to walk toward him. The perpetrator looked scared and started to run.

Izuku rolled his eyes and released black whip, capturing the subject, wrapping it tightly around him. The man dropped the purse, yelling "let me go!". Izuku ignored the man and yelled at Katsuki. "What the fuck are you doing, Kacchan?! You could get hurt!".

Katsuki scowled. "Like hell, I will! What are you doing here anyway, Deku?! Why aren't you asleep?" He snarled back, mad he's been found out.

"Stay here, idiot." Izuku commanded to Katsuki as he flew off to turn the perp into the police. When he got back he landed directly in front of Katsuki in a crouched position. As he stood up the dim light showed the scowl chiseled into Izuku's expression. "Go home, Kacchan. This is so stupid of you." Speaking through gritted teeth.

Katsuki threw out his hands in a 'what the fuck' manner before yelling "You think I can't handle myself against a couple wannabe criminals?!" Crossing his arms. "Don't put me so low on your list, Deku. I can fuckin' handle it just fine! Tch!" He looked away angrily but then his expression dropped. He stared at the wall as his anger & shoulders slowly dropped. Disappointment came over his face and he waited a moment before saying, "I... I thought..." with vulnerability in his breath.

Izuku, still fuming at his stupidity, said "Thought what Katsuki? That you'd just come out at night, punch a few dudes and it'll all be hunky dory? That you'll somehow be able to be a hero again, activate your quirk, if you just put your life at risk?" Izuku shoved Katsuki and he stumbled a couple steps back. "Give me a break. You know how dangerous these cities can be! Don't be so reckless."

"Why do you care?" Katsuki said under his breath, glancing at Izuku. He thought for a split second about how Izuku has been avoiding acknowledging his small advances. Anger began to rise to the surface again, bubbling up like a boiling stew. He reached for the kunai's on his chest with both hands. "Why do you care?!" he yelled as he drew his weapons and got in a defensive stance. His right hand drawn inward to his left shoulder and his left arm behind him, blades facing outward in a reverse grip. He gripped them tightly and started to swing in rapid succession at Izuku.

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