The meeting & the confession.

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The sun was peeking in through the blinds as the sound of Izuku's soft breathing and bird song waved throughout the room. Katsuki was awake, just looking at Izuku sleep. Scanning over his features, how tender his lips looked, how clear his skin was, how long his eyelashes were. The soft peach fuzz that was glowing in the skinny beam of sunlight hitting his cheek. Each and every freckle that was scattered throughout the bridge of his face. He silently admired everything while thinking about how long he's truly longed for this. He knows he fell for him at the ceremony but was he actually in love with him before that? Long before that? If so, when?

Katsuki reached over and gently ran the backs of his fingers along the side of Izuku's face, causing him to stir. "Good morning." He spoke softly.

Izuku groaned the cutest little noise as he stretched and rubbed his eyes. "Good morning." He said in a sleepy tone.

They got ready to go to their meeting and had coffee and a yogurt drink for breakfast. When they arrived they walked into the room holding hands, not thinking about where they were. All Might looked down and raised his eyebrows in surprise. Flustered, they let go quickly and greeted All Might in unison.

"Good-good morning All Might." They said as Professor David Shield walked in the room from a separate door. They both greeted him as well, slightly turning pink from the embarrassing side eye coming from All Might.

"Morning gentlemen. Hope this morning finds you well." David said with a grin.

"Morning Sir." Izuku said while slightly bowing. "What's the news?".

"So, Mr. Bakugo." David started to say as he ruffled through some papers to hand over to Katsuki. "The samples I had were showing elevated levels of acetone and sodium hydroxide. Both chemicals can neutralize the nitroglycerin in your sweat, causing it to not be able to detonate. It seems like a relatively simple thing but when we tried to remove the chemicals from the samples the nitroglycerin detonated on itself. We would have to find a way to even out the chemical compounds within your body without completely drawing them out so you don't, quite literally, self detonate from the inside out. Also you should limit your sun exposure until we can fully figure this out. Normally your quirk supplies on demand so you don't have to worry about the amount of time your sweat is exposed to the sunlight. However, we don't know if your body is absorbing too many ultra violet rays. This could be another reason why your quirk isn't working. However, we're going to explore the first route before that."

"So we should be able to fix it soon?" Katsuki asked, masking the excitement in his tone.

"We're hoping to have a solution for you soon. However, I would keep your hopes low." David replied.

"Do you need me for anything today?" Katsuki asked. He felt Izuku's reassuring hand touch his shoulder. The news about his quirk and his touch brought him a sense of relief.

David walked across the room to some supplies and picked up a needle. "Yes, if you could provide a few more samples it would help having extra at our disposal." He grinned and sarcastically said "Just a toe or two should suffice.". Katsuki gritted his teeth in disgust and slight fear. "Joking..." He said with a chuckle. "We're also going to take some blood samples as well with the sweat samples to see if we can find a difference. Shouldn't take too long."

All Might chimed in "Young Midoriya, can I speak to you in the hall?" Izuku nodded and then they left them to gather their samples as they headed to the hallway. Katsuki looked back while Izuku walked out with All Might and a bit of anxiety knocked his chest, he wanted Izuku to stay.

"Well you two seem awfully... close... today." All Might said, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at Izuku. Knowing Izuku doesn't know Katsuki confessed while they were at the hospital that the two kissed.

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