The market.

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~~ Four days later: ~~

Loud chatter bounced around them as they walked through the market. The smell of freshly cooked treats and flowers flowing around their noses. Looking down the long aisle you could see all the different vendors and the thousands of items they were offering. They were wearing ball caps and glasses as they wanted a peaceful day out, unbothered by the media.

Izuku grabbed hold of Katsuki's hand, interweaving their fingers. "What do you think you're gonna buy today?"

Not the most thrilled about shopping but being here because it's what Izuku wanted, Katsuki snarked, "I don't know, probably nothing."

One of the first stalls they see is All Might merch. Izuku's eyes widened and glistened at the sight. "Kacchan! Look!" Izuku said, tugging on his hand and dragging him over to the stall.

"Hey! Don't spend all of your money!" Katsuki yelled, slightly annoyed.

Izuku ignored him, gleefully scanning meticulously over every item at the stall, looking for something he doesn't have. The sun came out from behind a cloud and reflected off of something shiny at the stall next to them, illuminating Izuku's face momentarily.

That glimmer caught Katsuki's eye and he peeked over at Izuku. The annoyance he had from being dragged here dissipated the moment he laid his eyes on Izuku looking so delightfully content. He slid his hand onto the small of his back to his hip and pulled him into his side as they both started to look over the items. Up top Katsuki spotted something Izuku would love.

"Look, Izu." Katsuki said pointing at an item hanging on the back wall.

Izuku's eyes widened and he let out a little excited squeal. "A signed, Golden age 'Greatest hits with All Might' record?! That was the only time he released a record filled with his favorite music! Even I don't have that!" His smile dropped to disappointment when he read the price tag. "Oh... but it's so expensive." Pouting at Katsuki.

"That is really expensive. How about this, if you still want it by the end of the day, we can come back and buy it." Katsuki said, knowing Izuku really wanted the record.

Exhaling through his disappointment, Izuku reluctantly agrees. Re-lacing his fingers through Katsuki's and moving on from the stall. They buy a crepe at a stall near the end of the long aisle and they sit down at a nearby bench to enjoy it together. Setting down their few bags at their feet, just some simple items for their house.

Izuku looked past Katsuki and saw a stall filled with shiny items. He licked some cream off of his finger and gulped as the thought of buying something for Katsuki crossed his mind. His heart rate picked up as he thought about it, a small grin in his face. "Kacchan?" He asked nervously. Katsuki replied with a 'hmm?' with his mouth full. "Would you mind going back to the All Might stall? I decided I really do want that record, no matter the price." His smile became shy as he asked the favor.

Looking down the aisle, through a sea of people, Katsuki made a disgusted face. "But it's so far." He said.

Now looking at him with puppy dog eyes, Izuku grabbed Katsuki's hand. "Please?" He begged cutely.

Defeated, Katsuki dropped his head, sighed and got up. "How can I say no to that?" Making his way down the aisle.

Once he disappeared into the sea of people Izuku shot up and walked over to the stall of shiny items. Looking back over his shoulder, making sure Katsuki didn't turn around. His heart was now pounding as he looked over the items. Taking a moment to carefully choose one and had it packaged up in a little box. He ran back to his seat, shoving the box in one of their bags so he could hide it from Katsuki. Taking another bite of the crepe as he saw Katsuki return with the record. "Weee!" He squealed, grabbing the record from Katsuki's hand with the biggest grin on his face.

They finished up their day and headed home to relax for the night.

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