Reunited (Vol 4)

115 12 4

  RNJR and Oscar arrived in the backyard, where Olivia was waiting for them. Y/n was sitting at the sideline with his legs crossed with his knees supporting his arm for his hand to hold up his head. The members of the group immediately noticed the dual swords at her side, a glint of excitement in her eyes.

Olivia: So, You all think you can keep up with me?

The others could feel the intensity of the fight that was about to happen.Olivia, a skilled fighter and a duel wielder of swords, stood before them, ready to take on the 1v5 challenge that she had volunteered for.

Ruby: I can't believe we are really going to go through with this.

Jaune: If only Nora kept her mouth shut....

The ginger girl turns to her teammates with  a pouty expression.

Nora: Sorry I felt like I had to go against her! Ozpin was making us sound like chop liver compare to her after the last few days!

Behind them is Oscar having the mix expression of worried and annoyed as he felt like no he had no involvement yet is forced to join in on a fight against what ozpin told him is the strongest fighter on the team by a landslide!

Ren: no matter who fault it is, We are really going to have focus as this may not going to be easy.

The group knew they were in for a tough fight and prepared to face her with everything they had.Without giving any warning, Olivia charged towards the group like a ferocious predator. With her swords in her hands, she evaded Ruby's initial strikes and swiftly landed a swift kick on Nora's exposed flank. Jaune tried to counter her attack with his shield, but before he could do anything, she effortlessly swings her swords to release a razor-like air current that knocked Jaune back and caused him to stumble.Ren, who had been observing the situation, decided to strike from behind but was intercepted midway by a shower of explosive arrows. Olivia's insanely fast reflex allowed her to use her Semblance Trace to create and shoot the arrows out of thin air, which exploded on contact with Ren's weapons, sending him back.Oscar, who was in shock from the display of Olivia's skill, realized that she had a calm aura about her, implying that she was still holding back. He realized that his comrades were no match, and that something had to be done, and quickly.As the fight continued, the group tried to come up with strategies, but Olivia was too fast and her swords too sharp. Each attack they made was quickly countered, and each counter was swifter than the last. However, Oscar had a plan.He rushed forward, drawing Olivia's attention; his movements became erratic, and Olivia was forced to slow down to keep up. That was the opening that the others needed. Ruby bounced off of Oscar's back with momentum, Nora swing her hammer to smash Olivia's front guard allowing Jaune to move in, push his shield in between Olivia's swords, and pin her blades together. Then, Ren moved in to immobilize her even further with the help of Oscar, leaving Olivia defenceless and defeated. However, as Olivia stilled, they could see a determination in her eyes that made them uneasy.

Olivia: Do you really think you've won?

Without missing a beat, Olivia let go of her swords and moved in to fight hand-to-hand with the group. Her movements became even more fluid and graceful, striking at lightning speed as she dodged and weaved between the group's attacks. Ruby tried to anticipate her movements, but Olivia used her Semblance Trace on some dusts to throw her off balance, allowing her to deliver a swift punch to her stomach. Jaune tried to counter again with his shield, but Olivia used his momentum against him and flipped him over her shoulder.

Nora: Give her back the swords! It's not fair!

Olivia: Weapons or not, I am still the better fighter. It wouldn't be a fair fight for me to use them against you.

The Unfortunate: Oath Snow-(OCxRwby)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon