Be brave

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Things didn't always start as bad as they had been later on. Our father had been a well respected member of our village. Which makes sense since he was the founder of the town Jack and I and Mary grew up in.

I remember when she was born. We were so happy. Everything had been great. But this was about the time that things took a turn for the worst. Because women couldn't work and Jack and our father had to do it all.

Which makes sense why he acts the way he does. Not just because of the abuse once he found out about me and started protecting us so that I would stop getting hurt and Mary wouldn't. What good that did though am I right?

He was fine when it was just me. But disappointed when we'd had two girls and one boy. This is.... This is where things all started to go wrong it started here with our sister being born. He wasn't always like this. I frown rubbing my arm.

He was nice about it but didn't like having girls more work for Jack and himself less men means more work to be done less people to help do the kind of work dad needed to get done. And what's worse is that Jack doesn't like to work.

But this was at least before all the bad things started. But not by much. While our family was complete now that didn't mean that things at home were going well. They got to see what happened to me before Jack found out the truth.

Jack got to see what happened before he knew as well. They got to see everything that happened but I didn't want anyone's pity I didn't want to think about my past. I didn't want to do this but I had to be brave and have courage.

At least I had people that loved me at my side the whole time. My brother on one side Onyx on the other. My brother sure thought that I was being brave as well I could hear it. And Onyx squeezed my hand on the other.

Tears fell down my face as I leaned my head on Jack's shoulder. Since we were holding onto his staff so we could all see the memories or some of us anyways the others like Onyx had a hand on one of arrows I didn't have something from my past that I held on to that saved my life considering I was murdered.

The bow and arrows were a new thing. But it was something to hold on to. I'd always thought that my brother was stronger and braver than I was despite that I never told anyone. But I was too afraid because of the end result he told me would happen if I told someone but then he killed me anyways in the end.

Though it turned out he heard me think that which doesn't surprise me. Though it's a little new to me but it didn't surprise me. He told me that I'd be surprised said that it was brave of me to not tell anyone. Said he would've risked it if it had been him.

He "told me" that he would've just told someone. But I knew since then keeping quiet for like 300 years until Jack came along also didn't feel like bravery or courage. But he "told me" that I had the option to never leave my room and I chose to still interact in whatever way with them at all he felt that was pretty brave.

He "said" had that been him he would've just made more chaos and made people stay away from him. Because everyone would hate him and it would've made him feel safe but sad because he was alone.

But it didn't sound like he would've changed anything except mostly what he does is an accident or to be seen. That he wanted someone to pay attention to him. That what he had done then than what he did previously would be slightly different for different purposes and reasons to get what I want.

"Told me" that it was crazy brave of me for not doing something like that. Despite all the things that I hadn't done or hadn't told anyone Jack was still an amazing brother to us both. Out in the open when I wasn't around I didn't get to really watch Mary and Jack grow up.

I was always trapped in my room. Always in pain. Always thought that I learned my lesson but he was always there to make sure I remembered it. Jack teaching our sister how to walk teaching her how to say his name wanting to play with her instead of doing his chores.

Dad did not like this at all. And then he found out the truth. And dad tried to marry me off. I killed my "husband" in self defense. Jack took the hit for the both of us.

Eventually time slows down. And we go together ice skating. And well we all know what happened after that. But now everyone could see what happened in person. Oh one more thing we did believe in all of the guardians and one time Jack was able to set a trap to catch the Easter Bunny.

They had also snuck around staying up late for the Tooth Fairy only to fall asleep just before Santa would come. He would sneak into my room to tell me all the things that he'd done or what he'd be planning or they would do all of this in my room. He would try to include me in everything that happened in their lives and there was safety in numbers.

After they saw us die "in person" they knew just how much we had all suffered. And of course everyone had felt bad. They could now understand why I was skeptical around Bunny. Especially after seeing my memories.

And it explained so much about Jack and his personality. Because we were complete opposites. But of course they tried to comfort us. And at first Bunny felt bad for always teasing Jack not that he didn't deserve it since they go back and forth with each other.

But then he remembered that Jack had caught him in a trap so he's been giving Bunny trouble since before he added the Frost to Jack Frost. Just not in a blizzard of '68 way. Tooth had tears in her eyes as well.

They tried to tell us how sorry they were but we had moved past that as best as we could though seeing things like this brings it all back I felt like I was holding my breath. Everything was going fine until Jack and North started arguing about how it was their own faults for us dying the skates the lake but I didn't like this at all my heart beat fast as I shook like a leaf Onyx pulled me back wrapping his arms around me while they talked and I felt safe.

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