Such a sight to see

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When we left through an open window and headed for Jamie's we had no idea it was cause so much mess for the other guardians. It seemed just as Pitch said that Jack left a mess wherever he went but this was quite the sight to see. A little wind against Pitch Black.

They could take on him but not this wind. It was a disaster. Elves screaming yetis talking to each other Bunny still frozen Tooth and her tooth fairies not being able to fly despite they can fly find against any weather when they collect teeth Sandy's dream sand bouncing around.

Even North was tripping over the elves that had been in the way. Phil had been gone a moment and came back to this. Seeing such a sight. I wish I'd been there see such a sight as this he knew he would be asked to clean the stuff up as he closed the window we had gone out of.

He seemed to feel the same way and North said the elves were underfoot and it wasn't his fault but then he was looking for us and we were not there. But they had hoped we would be back by morning because we could take care of ourselves. The only problem was we were not.

The others had stayed the night in his guest rooms Bunny was still frozen and also cold. He was seriously gonna get Jack back for this mess. Though wasn't sure whether or not to take drastic measures. This was a small thing compared to his other pranks.

He was even the first to ask about us and how North said we'd be back by now but weren't. Tooth even felt we were fine tough worried because of our past that we could take care of ourselves but now knew our of our past but at least we had each other and Jack wouldn't let anything bad happen to us.

Only Sandy knew we were at Jamie's but no one was looking at him and he didn't speak so he took an elf and shook it and showed them where we were. Apparently dad needed to talk to Jack and I about something so they had to come after us.

But first they took some time getting Bunny out of the ice and then more time getting him tied to the sleigh which was uncalled for but they weren't wasting anytime to come after us. They even knocked him out when he wouldn't struggling and he almost hit one of the fairies.

Eventually they got there they are not subtle you would know if someone was on your roof and I was worried wondering if it were a friend or a foe. Jack placed a hand on my hand told me not to worry as we sat at the table with the family. It was 9:00 it had been a long night.

North checked for fire seeing none deemed it safe. Tooth didn't want to get messy and the 3 of them found the open window Bunny knew Jamie left open for Jack. Once North got turned back around since he got lost somehow they were surprised by what they saw when they found us. 

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