What does it do?

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We had arrived to the North Pole North had made all the guardians rooms made to their liking when they came to stay when they weren't too busy or needed a break. Mine and Jack's rooms were right next to each other and they were nearly identical to each other. Onyx and his sisters dreamt of the day the guardians would trust them enough to make them bedrooms as well at the North Pole. To be told they were welcome to come and go as they pleased. But for now Jack didn't want to go through the front door despite he could come and go as he pleased. He propped open the window to the bedroom and snuck inside but North still caught us. Mary was asleep in Jack's arms while I was asleep on Onyx's back being helped by his sisters so that I didn't fall off. Dad was concerned why we were sneaking into the workshop. Jack's plan was to avoid him but eventually Phil caught us first and took Mary into a guest room and then he saw us.

Onyx wasn't sure where my bedroom was. Onyx and his sisters had followed Jack's lead they felt that he probably knew what he was doing and they didn't want to go around to the front door only to be turned away. But of course no such luck. Jack is that you? He called for him. Jack jumped he felt like he'd done something wrong. He wasn't exactly used to being welcomed places. Hey there North fancy seeing you here. He tried to lighten the mood. Jack what is going on? And why are you here with the spring spirit? It's a long story and it's been a long day and I've already told this story twice now and I'm exhausted so just summon the others to be here and until then I'm gonna go lay down. And what about these 3? And why is my daughter in this one's arms? Aren't you supposed to know everything? Aren't you supposed to be like all knowing or something? Jack I am Santa Claus not G-D or in our case MIM. I don't know everything.

We just came from the Warren. Yeah that much I know because Bunny warned me of your arrival. While I was expecting you I wasn't expecting you to show up with guests. Including with the spring spirit none the less and not using the front door. On our way here Farrah fell asleep. That much I can see. But if this is a story worth telling go get some rest the spring is safe. Onyx take my daughter to her bedroom. It's to the left of Jack's. Yes sir. Uh sir. Call me North. And I think I know what you want to ask me. You and your sisters have been Jack and Farrah's friends in both of their lives. You are not a threat to my daughter. So until further notice you are not a threat to the rest of us none of you. We are safe with you and you are safe with us. We hope to never give you a reason to not feel safe around us. For your sake I hope not. As a sign of good faith me and my sisters have left gifts in all your homes. Including Jamie. You mean this thing? I examined it to try and figure out what it is and what it does.

I have yet to figure it out. That's because you need the intended subject. He smirks. Our father should never know of their existence. Is it dangerous? Dangerous? They laugh. No it's of my own invention specifically made for my very good friend Jack. The only "danger" it would bring to Jack is that he hasn't had any physical contact really minus us 3 in the last 300 years. It could be a little overwhelming which is why the ones I gave you only go to a 6. Not to high not to low 6 is a perfect number even just turning it on is enough. What does it do? Let's just say that with it he'll be on his best behavior. Will it hurt him? No he laughs again while his sisters snicker. But he will beg so fast that you don't put it on him that you could deliver presents in twice that time. It's kind of like a dog leash if a dog can't behave or sit still you show them their leash and they behave. Tooth and Sandy have a better deal out of it same with Jamie because they don't have leverage over him they don't have problems with him. You and Bunny do.

No, no, no problems. He's just the youngest and can be a bit of a troublemaker. But if he was well behaved he wouldn't be well Jack Frost. He just wouldn't be himself. That's why you bring it out when you want him to behave. Bunny on the other hand would have way to much fun with it getting Jack back for all the pranks he's pulled. He'd probably put it on him right away the next time he stepped foot into the Warren. See me and my sisters know something about the twins that you guys don't mostly do the fact that Farrah was afraid of touch till this point. But Jack has been craving physical contact pretty much ever since he first became Jack Frost. Sure he will beg and plead with you not to put it on him since he knows what it does but once you get it on him well he's not the guardian of fun for nothing. He'll actually probably be ok with it until he gets too overwhelmed. He likes causing chaos and having fun and laughing but sometimes he needs a real reason to be doing that. Including if he's not being himself. And nothing else is making him feel better. Like there was this time where he brushed black sand off himself which you should never do unless you are a family member.

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