A dream is a wish your heart makes

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Last I left you we were all going into our own rooms to rest and wait for the other guardians to show up. Or at least for Dingle to come back through the portal with Tooth and the memories at least Jack's anyways. But for now we rest. And each of us had one of the other siblings watching over us to make sure we were safe.

And dad trusted him and his siblings he knew they wouldn't hurt us. They were our friends. If I wasn't in danger with them North was happy. And they were all good to me. He knew how hard it was for me to connect with and have contact or speak to any of the guardians but Onyx and his sisters were mine and my siblings ages.

I guess that's why we became such good friends so easily. I knew they wouldn't hurt me. Jack was the first person I had real contact with so easily and so quickly. Currently the Black siblings watch the dream sand surround us. Each of us had similar dreams playing around in our heads.

They wanted to make sure we didn't get nightmares. Though I was pretty sure Jack and I were dreaming the same thing. Mostly because within it we asked what the other was doing there. Where are we? At the North Pole I get the feeling we're being watched over.

Yeah it's a feeling I sense too as well. Being able to sense when someone else is in the room with you. Being on your guard even in slumber. Don't be afraid sis Onyx and his sisters will make sure nothing bad happens to us. We can trust them. If you can trust them I'll trust them too.

Jack they're our best friends. Of course we can trust them. Why do I get the feeling that they're up to something at least Onyx anyways. Where are we Jack what's happening? We were in a void I think waiting for the dream to come. Look the sky is blue there's green grass. Though not for long since we're both here.

He smiled back at me and chuckled. You make me feel safe I hugged him. He flinched at first but eased into my touch. I'm not gonna hurt you Jack we've been through enough pain. Sorry he chuckled softly as he hugged me back. Look over there Jamie and his friends and there's Mary and Onyx and his sisters.

Though this is all just part of the dream now. While Mary is asleep Onyx and his sisters aren't. You're right about that. Let's go play. Where? We're in the park and apparently dream sharing. Ok I know this has to be a dream because Bunny would kill me if saw me around spring Mary would be upset too probably.

Not just you but me too don't forget I'm also a winter spirit. We would never be able to be here or doing this if this was real life. Jack Farrah come play with us. Hi Jamie we called to him. Hey Jack I teased. Huh? He smiled a little leaning against his staff. I chuckled before reaching out. Tag you're it. Come and get me.

He propped his staff against a tree where it would be safe. And then chased me around with the kids. Why are you chasing me you can't tag me back. I teased. We did this for a while and then attempted hide and seek. Eventually the two of us got tired and flopped down on the floor.

Still with smiles plastered to our faces. You guys ok? Jamie asked us. Yeah just out of energy time to catch our breath. We all cuddled up next to each other everyone I knew or seen would call what we were currently doing as a cuddle puddle. This much was fine it was like a group hug on the ground.

This contact I didn't mind. And then I heard Jack start laughing. I feel like I heard Onyx whisper something to them and I was pretty sure Jack may have heard it slightly as well. Well it sounds like what they need is a little recharge. Onyx suggested. I thought we'd already been doing that.

We looked at each other and back out at them. Run? We thought to ourselves. Yep. But no we couldn't move. Ug this was not good. But all the children started in on Jack they decided the only way to give him more energy as if he needed it was in the form of a tickle attack.

He should've known not to use the next words in the order he said as it was Jamie and Mary who lead the charge against Onyx orders. Jamie Mary please don't stop. But of course they laughed as the other joined in because all they heard don't stop stop and begged them not to.

Not sure how this would work with the guardian of courage but giving the guardian of fun more energy through a tickle attack in some round about back way kind of makes sense and at least for the most part it was just one on one with me and Onyx. His sisters on the other hand who hadn't joined in the attack decided after a while that I needed to breathe and we attack him together.

Eventually once tears of mirth fell down Jack's face the kids stopped. And they snuggled up with him again and as we joined in and relaxed. Until we were up again playing because somehow that had worked just as I had said. And what a sight we all were. Wow if only anyone could've seen us now.

And if this were real we would be in so much trouble. Outside of the dream the Black's decided we were safe and sat in the little window seats within our rooms and curled up in there and closed their eyes. Somehow there happened to be a lot of dream sharing going on right now.

Because Onyx and his sisters were dreaming the same thing as well. Not the same as us let's be clear on that. But like I said earlier the 3 of them dream of the day the guardians would trust them and welcome them and didn't see them as a threat.

We had to fight their father again and they were sick of him playing the villain they had said we could help him become the person he was before. At first they were scared but this was no nightmare. They fought against him he was upset that he felt that the guardians had turned his children against him.

And then they ended up taking the oath to become guardians themselves they were finally trusted enough to come and go as they pleased welcomed with open arms they weren't seen as evil like their father. But they also were sad because they loved their father and wished he wasn't like this anymore.

Eventually North worked with the other guardians and MIM to come up with a spell or a potion to help un corrupt Pitch and make him into the man MIM once knew him to be. At first Pitch wasn't so sure about this he thought they came to kick him while he was down that they took everything else away from him. And then they cast the spell on him.

And when the fog cleared while he still looked the same but kids the Grinch's heart grew 3 sizes that day. His personality was back to how he was before and they saw all the good in him that his family saw in him as well. And he helped them and became a guardian and helped them fight evil and gave fear and nightmares in small doses.

He taught Onyx how to be the spirit of caution and safety. Like how Pitch should've been using his powers. And we were all one big happy family and everyone got along and had all this good healing to do that we all did as a family and the worst was over we were a team and a family that was even better. And Onyx and I started a relationship as did Jack and Nightshade.

It turned out that Pitch was right all along. He once asked Jack what went better than cold and dark. And seeing as we both picked twins that were dark while us twins were cold I guess Pitch was right all along but it took that long for anyone to see things his way once he wasn't hell bent on destroying the world. And everyone was happy and oh yeah the kids saved the world so many times that MIM gifted them powers and made them immortal.

But good things don't last forever. Unfortunately that's not how our world was working at the moment. It was now several hours later. Everyone was gathered in Jack's room. We were all awake now except Mary. Who was still asleep but we could do this without her.

What did you call us here for? They asked him. He told them he wanted to show them his memories. Everyone was surprised by hearing this. Are you sure? Tooth asked him. I was gonna ask the same thing. Our reality is nothing like our dream was Jack. You know that don't you?

It can be. But this makes things easier for everyone to understand. To understand me to understand you to understand why Mary is important to us. It's easier just for me to show them. You brought my memories didn't you Tooth? He asked her. She handed them to him.

They're right here Jack. If you're sure I grabbed his hand. I'm sure he squeezed back. Be bave Farrah have courage. He squeezed again. They're not my memories and not all of them are bad just most. Well this will be fun. If only that was genuine. Everyone grab onto my staff.

Once we did we both took our separate hands gave each other a look and together we pushed down on the diamonds. We knew what would happen after we pushed them but were were prepared for what we would remember for what we would see? And would the guardians be?   

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