The Sandman returns

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The yetis and the elves started fighting the nightmares one of them bit a horse's leg. It turns into dream sand. Up on the roof Jack fights pitch. We seem to plan our attacks without a word. Home advantage.

What with my SL after all. And it was helpful that my wolf friends were eager to help even if it was against their own father. We could've used all the help we could get. Even if it was from the unlikely of friends.

It took this long for them to be ok with Jack especially Bunny. And we were both friends with Pitch's children. I only knew bits and pieces of my old life I couldn't make it to anything good. I couldn't even get to the good fun stuff.

When Jack found out the truth or when I met the wolves. We had this connection where we didn't need words. And I hadn't spoken to anyone in 300 years and very little in the past. But there we were fighting for our lives.

So just another day in the Overland Burgess household between Jack and I. Only now we weren't alone. I was alone before Jack knew the truth and because I didn't speak I felt so alone for the last 300 years worried that I'd do something wrong.

Still kind of afraid of Bunny but not as much as I was originally and Jack had always been there for me on a level we would both understand. Even if we didn't understand why. Not until we saw our memories.

But we weren't alone anymore. We weren't guardians officially and they came to terms to it. Jack was fighting right and left luckily Tooth and I were right there to help him slicing and dicing through anything to try and attack them.

We were all there except dad he had accidently jumped onto the wrong roof. But although that was the case it was just the thing to distract Pitch as dad knocked him off his steed. And Pitch came tumbling to the ground.

When we get on the ground we thought Pitch had nowhere left to go the wolves even growled up at him. He was good to his family but my friends didn't want anything bad happening to us. But then he disappeared into the shadows.

He appeared back behind Jack with an ax. Jack get down! Bunny and I both told him. As Bunny threw his boomerangs. Well his was more of a you might want to duck. Mine was a specific one that said get down as I pushed him away.

The boomerang still came as the ax was now aimed at me after pushing Jack to the side. Farrah?! Jack called as the boomerang came around and sliced at Pitch just in time. But then long golden strands wrap around his writs.

We all look on in amazement. We looked on all hopeful. The sandman had a smirk on his face we were all happy to have him back. He silently wags his finger at Pitch before punching him in the face. Knocking him out.

He makes a bowler hat and tips it as if to say hello to greet the children. They were very happy to see him and we were happy to see him alive. Mate you're a sight for sore eyes. Bunny told him. Everyone jumped for joy that was yet another thing with celebrating.

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