That's our sister

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Baby Tooth was at the palace waiting for Jack and I to show up. We were almost never together these days. And we were happy. I was speaking and singing and I made Jack play with me when would act out movies. The North Pole was still my castle though and an enchanted one at that. I felt safe. But being with Jack always made me feel safe.

But right now it wasn't us that was there. Another little girl with shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes in an old colonel looking dress but with like sunflowers on it and looking more springy was there. And she was playing with the little tooth fairies.

She couldn't be more than 8 or 9 years old. And she had come for the same reason we had. But a tooth fairies job was never done even for a mini tooth fairy. And there were many of them all trying to go about doing their jobs and Baby Tooth was kind of the leader of all of the minis so it seemed.

She flew up to the little girl who was distracting the mini fairies and that's when she thought she looked familiar. Even if she knew she had never met this child before. And it would've been easier had any of them been able to speak like the big Tooth Fairy but none of them so far.

Can you take direct me to the Tooth Fairy please she'd asked so politely. If she was there she was there on a mission and probably one from MIM himself no doubt. She was sorry to interrupt and knew they had to be busy but when she told the mini fairy why she was there because MIM sent her Baby Tooth took her to Tooth right away while the little girl tried her best to keep up.

So do you want me to follow you or something? She'd asked. After all with how familiar the little girl looked and sounded with every familiar looking facial expression and facial well anything it was almost like she could swear she'd seen her before and if the moon himself had told her to go find Tooth and ask for her help she should take her to her. Shouldn't she?

Jack and I had early on that day gone and spread winter working together to make beautiful designs and working hard sharing the work taking our job as seriously as possible. While still having fun. Me giving those that feel small a voice letting them be heard and to not feel like they were invisible.

The courage to ask someone out or to speak up in class. Whether it was for an assignment and they were shy or because they had a question they weren't sure they wanted to ask. Or maybe it was getting a part in a play. Maybe it was standing up to or for a friend. Or helping someone have the courage to be themselves instead of who they were told to be.

Or someone who had been in a similar situation as me. Leaving a toxic relationship calling the authorities should it come to that. Or leaving a bad situation be it a parent or another family member to go somewhere they knew they felt safe. Sometimes we need a little push to help us make choices we would've never taken ourselves although sometimes I don't always have my own courage to do those things.

Like Bunny for example. After so long of knowing him I still don't let him touch me. He still scares me. I worry for Jack when he pulls pranks on him. And Jack flies away and laughs. But he would anyways even if there was a part of him that was scared he could really hurt him. But Jack knew if Bunny should raise his hand to either of us Jack would take the hit for us both.

He would protect me best he could. This had ended with Bunny chasing after us and me encouraging him to fly faster. He tried to hit us with his boomerang. What he would've done after we'd never know. And it was best we hadn't stayed to find out. Look out! He teased. Although with all seriousness. He knew or rather hoped Bunny would never really hurt us but....

There were times he thought back to when everyone thought he ruined Easter those 4 years ago now. And how Bunny raised his hand at him and Jack just stood there. He hadn't moved. He was just gonna take what was coming to him. Do what he needed to do to make sure I didn't get hurt. But now now that last prank when he tried to throw it at us Jack froze his paw to it.

We played with the kids soon after. And after we'd played for some time we'd headed to the Tooth Palace. Maybe this time I'd see all of my memories the ones I didn't want to see the first time. You don't have to see anything you don't want to. He encouraged me. But when we got there Baby Tooth was nowhere to be seen. And when we looked for Tooth we saw her talking to a little girl.

Jack does she look familiar to you? I asked him. He flinched when I nudged him. Wow gee that's my "line" I teased. Sorry IDK why I'm so jumpy. We're always welcome here after all. Listen I told him. Are you sure you wanna see your memories? She'd asked the little girl. The last ones are some of the hardest ones to see. But when we looked at her and she spoke she told Tooth that the moon told her she had to know that she had to remember.

And that voice it couldn't had been. Since that was the case she handed her a tooth canister and told her how to activate them. That voice Jack. It's.... I started. No it's can't be. He shook his head. If it is then how? IDK. And then we saw her face. It is. That's our little sister. To say we were surprised was an understatement of the century. But how did she get here?

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