Tooth Palace

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I whimper leaning over to hug Jack. Sh, it's ok he whispers into my ear. I won't let anything hurt you I promise, not while I'm around. That is a familiar concept I whisper hiding my face into his hoodie. Sh, sh. Are you going to flinch at me if I try and calm you down by stroking your hair? He asks me. I shake my head and hold him tight.

As soon as he starts I feel this calming feeling course through me like when you calm down, or when you're really happy about something and you feel your heart melt like a calming chill spreading through you or something. You're ok Farrah. I've got you, I won't go. I won't ever leave your side unless you call me away.

I look up at where the necklace is dangling down as I sit up and take it in between my fingers then look down at my own. Pretty huh? He asks me. You're almost like a small child he chuckles. Being entertained by pretty things. Pretty sure it has my name on it. See?

We look up and see that the nightmare horses have the tooth fairies. Stay still ok? I nod at him as he jumps up and grabs the baby tooth fairy making sure she was ok. She flies between us as she nuzzles herself at me. I hum softly and happily, it gives my finger a tiny kiss. I pet its tiny head with my little finger. Someone likes you Jack teases.

Dad hands Jack the reins to the sleigh as they start jumping around slicing at the nightmare horses as they fade to black sand and drop teeth canisters. They're stealing the teeth Bunny scolds. Sandy reaches down and picks up some sand. Hey, hey don't touch that ok? Jack pulls my hand back. Be careful with that stuff. He says gently and softly brushing the dark sand off of my fingers with his own.

I flinch and try to pull back. You're ok. What's wrong? That felt funny. I whisper to him. Funny like it hurt or it was an uncomfortable touch? No, funny in the way you pulled back when I trace your tattoo thing I tell him. Oh? He frowns at me giving me a confused look. You're hands are cold. Sorry he pulls away from me. I whimper wrapping them back around me.

Wait whoa, I'm so distracted, I'm supposed to be flying this thing. He remembers. I give him a forget about it motion, I point around the sleigh as it sparkles. It's like its on auto pilot. He questions. I know magic I tell him. Great he shrugs. "The cold, winter feeling, is a familiar feeling to me and I'm a winter spirit too so it also doesn't bother me."Good. Jack smiles.

We're able to land safely onto the palace floor as we all get out of the sleigh. Tooth are you ok? Dad asks her. They took everything, and my fairies. I slink back whimpering sad to see Tooth this way. She cooes when she sees one of them made it safe and sound. You're little friend has come to a liking to you hasn't she sweetheart. She asks me about Baby Tooth.

But I flinch retreating to my dad when we hear Pitch's voice. I have to say this is all very exciting, the big 4 all in one place I have to say I'm a little star struck. Did you like my show on the globe? He asks dad as he wraps his arms around me. Don't be scared angel he pets my hair glaring at Pitch. Got you all together didn't I?

When Tooth starts scolding Pitch to give her fairies back to her I cover my ears at the raised tone. Why are you doing this? Dad asks him. Maybe I want what you have, to be believed in. He tells us. Maybe I'm tired of hiding under beds! Maybe that's where you belong Bunny jumps out to attack him. Oh go suck an egg rabbit. Oh who do we have here is that Jack Frost I see? And a little Clause?

I don't believe we've had the pleasure in meeting until now. After all you're warded against my nightmare power. What's your name mine is Pitch Black the Boogeyman aka the nightmare king. If you must know, this is Farrah MIM gifted me to her 300 years ago. And I'm just now getting the chance to meet her I feel offended. However, I see Jack Frost here as well.

When did you all get so chummy? Great a neutral party. Then I'm going to ignore you. But, you must be used to that by now. I reach over and squeeze Jack's hand. Pitch sees something blue on our arms. What's that? He flicks his hand at us sending our sleeves up. Snowflake pattern. Hmm? And matching necklaces. I've seen the Spring Spirit every now and then same thing. Perhaps some kind of relation. He circles us.

When Bunny and Tooth try to defend us and protect us against Pitch Tooth charges forward as Pitch's nightmare horse reals up at her. Easy girl easy. Does this look familiar Sandman? He asks Sandy. Took me sometime to prefect his little trick of yours turning dreams into nightmares. Scary stuff really unless you're the sandman you probably shouldn't touch it with your bare hands. Might just give you nightmares he laughs petting his horse. They smell fear you know. He tells us.

Fear? Of you no one's been afraid of you since the dark ages. Bunny scolds him. Ah the dark ages when I wielded all the power, that is until the Man in the Moon chose you to protect the world with its wonder and light. Giving them hope, Meanwhile everyone just wrote me off as a bad dream. There's no such thing as the bogeyman! Well that's all about the change. Why it's happening right now isn't it?

What is Jack asks stepping in front of me while we have frowns on our faces. Children are waking up realizing the tooth fairy never came. Such a small thing but to a child... Tooth panics with a sad expression on her face. The children they don't believe in me anymore. Didn't they tell you Jack, and Farrah? That its great being a guardian, only there's a catch if enough children stop believing everything your friends protect goes away and little by little so do they.

No Christmas or Easter or little fairies that come in the night, there will only be fear and darkness and me. It's your turn not to be believed in. Stay behind me Snowflake. Jack whispers to me. As Pitch jumps on his nightmare horse as they all try to attack Pitch only for us to appear in the lagoon and Pitch gone. He's gone my father exclaims pulling me to his side hugging me.

Jack turns back to me and frowns then to Tooth who is upset about the teeth, only its not really the teeth but the memories inside that Pitch really wanted. And Tooth said she'd even had ours all 3 of us from before we became Jack Frost or Farrah Frost or even Mary Springs. If she'd been here. Hearing that Jack and I gave confused looks at each other.

But, what do you mean? He asked her. We were all someone before we were chosen Jack. She tells him only Jack and I we had no memories of before we were who we are now and we wanted to know more, we had to know more and we were going to because we were gonna help Tooth get them back one way or another.

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