A card trick

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Jack Wilder and Y/n L/n were an extraordinary couple. Both incredibly talented magicians, they had a bond that transcended their shared profession. Y/n's unique abilities as the fifth horseman, specializing in contortionism and mentalism, were matched only by her deep connection with Jack.

Their relationship had faced its fair share of challenges. When Jack faked his death as part of the grand illusion in their past escapades, Y/n had ingeniously orchestrated her own "death" to maintain the ruse. Their reunion had been emotional, to say the least.

As time went on, the magician's group saw changes. Dylan introduced Lula as a stand-in for Henley, and though Y/n tried her best to be open-minded, a spark of jealousy ignited within her when she noticed Lula's attention towards Jack's looks.

Merritt leaned in, his eyes twinkling mischievously, and quipped, "Looks like someone's got a case of the green-eyed monster!"

Danny chuckled and added, "Hey, Y/n, you know Jack is just a charmer. But you're the one who has him wrapped around your little finger."

Jack noticed Y/n's occasional pangs of insecurity and decided it was time for a heart-to-heart conversation. He led her to a quiet corner backstage, looking into her eyes with sincerity.

"Hey, Y/n, I've noticed you've been a bit off lately. Is everything alright?"

Y/n took a deep breath, her eyes searching his for reassurance. "Yeah, it's just... seeing Lula getting close to you sometimes makes me feel a bit uneasy."

Jack gently took her hands in his and spoke earnestly, "Y/n, you have nothing to worry about. You're the one who has my heart. Lula's great, but you're the one I love."

Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes as she looked down, her voice softening. "I know, Jack. It's just that after being the only woman you saw for a whole year, it's hard not to feel threatened."

Jack lifted her chin, making her meet his gaze. "Y/n, you're not just anyone. You're the one who's always been there for me, even when we had to keep our relationship hidden. Lula's a friend, but you're my world."

Y/n's honesty brought them even closer, and Jack's love and support helped ease her worries.

As time went on, their relationship only grew stronger. Y/n found solace in Jack's unwavering commitment, and he continued to show her that she was the one he truly cherished. Eventually, Lula became not a source of rivalry, but a valued member of their magician's family, and Y/n's insecurities faded away.

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