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Dear readers,

I wanted to take a moment to share with you how I've been feeling lately about my writing. I have to admit that I'm feeling a bit unmotivated to continue because I'm starting to doubt if people like my stories. I know I shouldn't care about this, but it's hard not to when you've poured so much time and effort into something that means so much to you.

The reason I wrote this book was because I wanted to create a space where people didn't have to worry about being judged based on who they are or who they love. I struggled to find fics with two characters from the same movie or TV show, and I wanted to write one myself. I wanted to create a story that celebrated love in all its forms, without any judgment or shame.

But lately, I've been questioning whether my efforts are worthwhile. I'm starting to feel like my writing isn't resonating with people, and it's making it hard for me to find the motivation to continue. However, I know that giving up isn't the answer.

I wrote this book because I believe in the power of representation and the importance of telling stories that reflect the diversity of our world. I want to continue writing, even if it's hard, because I know that there are people out there who need to hear these stories. I may not be able to please everyone, but if my writing can make a difference in even one person's life, then it's all worth it.

Thank you for reading my stories and for supporting my writing journey. Your encouragement means more to me than you can imagine.

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