Power of Love and Family

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A/n: this is for JulzLovDraco4Eva again I appreciate the  Support that you're giving me for my writing by requesting stories hope you like this one.

Y/n had always been a fan of the Power Rangers, but she never expected to become friends with them. Yet, here she was, part of their inner circle alongside Nick, Madison, Xander, Vida, and Chip. She loved spending time with them, but she especially enjoyed her one-on-one time with Nick.

Y/n had a crush on Nick, but she tried to keep it hidden. Only Claire, Madison, and Vida knew about it. When she watched Nick fight monsters, her heart would race with fear for him. But, one day, her fear got the best of her.

She was watching the Rangers battle a monster from RootCore when she couldn't take it anymore. Claire noticed how scared she was and calmed her down by giving her a red blanket to cuddle. It worked like a charm, and Y/n immediately felt better.

But then, Udonna, the Rangers' mentor, noticed the blanket and asked about it. Claire explained that she found it in Nick's bag, and Udonna revealed that it belonged to her son who had disappeared when he was a baby.

Suddenly, the Rangers arrived back, and Nick asked Y/n why she had his blanket. She couldn't lie to him and told him the truth. She was scared for him during the fight, and Claire gave her the blanket to calm her down. She then confessed her feelings for him, and to her surprise, he told her he loved her back.

Nick had actually wanted to be her boyfriend since they first met. And now, with his feelings out in the open, they shared a kiss while everyone cheered.

But the night was far from over. Udonna called an emergency meeting and revealed to Nick that she was his mother. He had been searching for his birth parents for a long time, and now he had finally found his mother. They all celebrated together, but Y/n stayed with Nick to help him take in the news.

Afterwards, they joined the celebration, and Nick gave Y/n another kiss, telling her he was happy to not just be with her as a friend, but as his girlfriend. The night ended with smiles and laughter, and Y/n couldn't wait to see what other adventures her life with the Power Rangers would bring.

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