Us against the world

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"I'll come with you."

Bill said as I packed my suitcase. I glared at him. "Absolutely not. I'm tired of ruining your tour. Don't worry, they'll be fine." He walked over to me and put a hand on my back. "That's for sure, but I worry about you too." I turned to him and smiled at him, then continued to pack. I could see out of the corner of my eye that he had a strange face. "Why are you putting all your clothes in? Don't you have to go away for just a few days?" I huffed and stopped by to pack. "My mom needs me more than ever, I don't think I'll be able to finish the tour. I'm sorry." He looked at me with puppy dog ​​eyes, then took me in his arms and squeezed me.

After the tour, I'm moving to Los Angeles just for you. I can't stay away from you."

We parted and gave each other a kiss. I grabbed my suitcase and started to leave the room, then turned around one last time. "How do I do with the bike?" I asked Bill. "Don't worry, I'll take care of it." He answered me with a smile. I dropped my suitcase and ran towards him giving him one last kiss, then I left.

It was almost nine in the morning and I was almost there, only in all the chaos I hadn't told Vic about the accident; so I picked up the phone and called her with my heart in my mouth. "Mia, why the fuck are you going back to LA?" she answered without even letting me speak. I really didn't know how to tell her. Victoria had been the first person to talk to Tyler when he'd just moved to town. She was his best friend. "There was an accident..." I said, stopping and looking for words to continue the sentence. "What are you talking about?" she immediately asked me.

"It's about my dad and Tyler."

For a while she said nothing and we were both silent, then I heard a sniffle. "And how are they now?" she finally asked me. "I don't know. My mother called me agitated telling me only that they had been in a car accident and then nothing. That's why I ran out." I heard a snort. "Okay, as soon as you know something let me know. I'll talk to Georg and I'll join you as soon as I can."
"Vic no, you like being there with them. Don't worry, I'll take care of it." I heard nothing, and then a beep. She had closed the phone in my face. She had never acted like this with me, but I had no right to get angry with her right now.

Finally I got home. It had been so long since I had seen it, and standing right there in front of it brought back so many memories. Like when Tom brought me home from paintball, or when he brought me breakfast but I didn't want to see him for a good reason, or when Bill ran into my room scaring the shit out of me. I didn't know there that I would fall madly in love with him.

There was no more time, so I went in, got Tyler's car keys and drove to the airport.

I ran into the hospital, and headed straight for the room my mother had told me. It was there that I found her leaning against my father's bed, who was awake. When they both noticed my presence, they started crying. I reached my mother and hugged her. I hadn't really seen them in a long time. "I'm glad you're here. I missed you so much." She told me. When we parted I went straight to my father and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "How are you?" I asked him. "Don't worry honey, I'm fine." I smiled at him, then there was a few seconds of silence.

"Go to your brother." He told me, so I left the room and ran to Tyler's room who luckily was next door. When I saw him in that bed, my heart stopped beating for a second. He was in  really bad conditions. I ran next to him and sat next to him stroking his head. "Don't worry big brother, everything will be fine. You will wake up and start studying as you wanted." I couldn't hold back the tears, so they started flowing down my cheeks like rivers.

I wanted to be strong, I wanted to be strong for him... I just couldn't.

Seeing him lying there, dying, made me sick. The more I looked at him, the more the desire to see him open his eyes was strong, so strong that sometimes I saw him with his eyes open even if he had them closed.

I stayed next to him every day, until one of these, I saw those fantastic eyes open and look at me. I thought it was a hallucination as always, but I realized it was true when I felt his hand squeeze my finger.

I couldn't believe it, after all those days he finally woke up. I immediately got up from my chair and grabbed his neck. "Mia, you hurt me." I broke away immediately. "Sorry." I said with tears in my eyes. I sat down next to him and took his hand. "Mia, I love you." I smiled at him. "It's you and me against the world." I told him.

Then his smile disappeared, his eyes went blank, and his chest stopped pumping.

"Tyler," I said. I kept moving him, but he didn't do anything.

"Tyler! React!" I kept screaming and moving him.

I started giving him CPR. Stronger and louder.

"Fuck Tyler! React! Do something, please!"

Doctors came running into the room and grabbed me by the arms and carried me out. "No! Please, he's my brother!" yelling did no good.

They sat me down and gave me water, but I refused and chased them all away, so they too left me alone. Every time I blinked, he was in front of me. My brother had left me.

If only he hadn't left that day, if only he had stayed with me and the others until the end of the tour...

If only I hadn't let him go, he wouldn't have died now.

I had just lost my other half, my brother.

Just Kiss Me - Tom and Bill KaulitzTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon