I'm not afraid of you

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Bill kept talking. Without stopping.

With each word my eyes widened wider, as if the scene was repeating itself in front of me and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I was immobilized... by fear.

The eyes began to get wet, until it was the turn of my cheeks which meanwhile became more and more red along with my nose. I put my free hand in front of my mouth, the phone fell to the floor and then it was my turn. I couldn't believe it... All along, it was just a lie. I thought someone finally liked me, I thought for the first time someone really cared about me. But I was wrong. It was obvious that I was wrong, I was always wrong.

I picked up the phone and walked into the house not caring about the fact that Tyler was sleeping and all the noise I was making. I passed the coffee table, and noticed that the keys of the beautiful Ferrari were still there.

Tyler wouldn't notice their absence for an hour or two.

I went to the nearest nightclub, which luckily wasn't that nightclub, and downed every bottle of every fucking booze that came my way. I felt like shit, but at the same time capable of being able to do anything, and in fact I went wild. I no longer recognized myself.

The following morning I no longer felt my head or even my hands, my knuckles were white. It was also impossible for me to explain the fact that I had managed to drive home in a Ferrari, drunk. I wanted to change, I wanted to do something crazy. I got a call, it was Bill. I was still in bed half-dazed, but it was just the right time, I wanted to hear his voice. We talked for a while, until he had to hang up because he had to go out. The moment Bill ended the call I heard the doorbell ring. I ran down to open it trying not to roll down the stairs.

I always tried to rush when I went to open the door because I hated making people wait on the other side. I know, it's weird.

Tyler had been out for a while and I was convinced it was him, so I opened the door without even looking.

I realized only later that maybe it would be better to look through the peephole, run to the bathroom and never come out again.

Tom was there, with his leather jacket, hand in his pocket and his beautiful orange helmet dangling from his forefinger. I could see the motorcycle right behind him. I was wearing only a Tyler shirt. My eyes widened at the sight of that asshole, I wanted to kill him with my own hands, but my tongue was stuck together with my arms, and all I could do was back away. "Is everything fine? I brought you a coffee and a croissant" he took the bag he kept inside his helmet, smiling. I looked at him in shock, how could he act so normally? As if nothing happened? I was tired, I would not let him hurt me again. "Go away," I told him, proud that I was finally able to speak. "What? Why?"
"You know why" he looked at me strangely. "I don't want to leave" but what the fuck did he want from me?

"I will never let you touch me again nor will I accept this crap of yours. I don't wanna see you ever again" I closed the door in his face. Soon after, I had a panic attack. Where had I found all that courage? I got up from the ground and looked in the peephole. He was still there. It was clear he was pissed. His knuckles turned white, he threw the bag on the ground, put on his helmet and getting on the motorcycle I never saw him again. I breathed a sigh of relief, I was just hungry, so I took advantage of it and took the bag that was waiting for me.


That bastard piece of shit Bill had told her everything. I would have killed him. With my own hands.

I almost didn't hit an old lady on my way home, but I didn't care.

I got home slamming the door. Bill was in front of the fridge. "Hello. What do you want to eat for breakfast?" I approached him at a fast pace, and the moment he turned I threw a punch that made him hit his head on the freezer. "What the fuck are you doing" he said touching his nose realizing he was bleeding. He gave me a shove and covered my beloved jacket with blood. "You told Mia about that night! Ugly ass!" I was going to kill him. Really. "You know I was completely drunk! You disgust me"

"Sorry Tom, you're just drunk so many times it's hard to tell when you're clearheaded and when you're not. And I swear that knowing you, you would have been able to do it even when you were lucid"

I looked him straight in the eyes, I didn't know what to say to him anymore. I walked over to the kitchen counter and leaned on it with my back to him. "I know you called her this morning. What have you talked about?" he took a handkerchief and stuck a piece up his nostril to stop the blood. "Nothing important"

"Tell me or I'll throw you out the window"

"You're a  fucking idiot. She said she wanted to do something crazy and she was going to be a maid to begin with." My eyebrows shot up. "Why the maid in particular?"
"A friend of her mother has been doing it all her life and makes a lot of money"
"So it's about money... Interesting" Georg and Gustav went into the kitchen and as usual, even though it was nine in the morning, they took a beer from the fridge and drank it.

"Guys, start packing your bags. The holiday is finished".

Just Kiss Me - Tom and Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now