Tom fucking Kaulitz

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I looked at the clock: it was seven o'clock. By that time I should have already been with the boys. Why hadn't anyone woken me up?

My eyes hurt terribly, I looked in the mirror and indeed they were red. Maddie had told me that at every event I should always wear black, in fact I wore a simple black long-sleeved dress, with black amphibians and black tights. Then I put on some mascara, some foundation to cover the redness of my eyes and some lip gloss. I also brought along a jacket in case it got cold. I took the backpack and went. It wasn't that far, in fact I arrived about a quarter past seven. The concert would start at eight and already there was a crowd of girls at the entrance shouting "Tokio Hotel!" I think it was felt from inside too. I showed my ID to the guards and they let me through.

I ran as soon as I saw Maddie a little ahead of me with a pissed face. As soon as she saw me her eyes widened. "Where the fuck were you" she told me. "Sorry, I fell asleep"
"Run and get four coffees and take them to the boys. They are on stage" I didn't know how they wanted coffee so I improvised. I put my backpack and jacket on a sofa and ran towards the break room. I took the coffees and went on stage trying not to drop them.

It was wonderful: the blond was at the drums, surrounded by an iron dome, Georg was playing something on the bass, Tom had the guitar hanging from his neck and was surrounded by a keyboard and a lot of electronic devices, while Bill was turned towards Georg, with his arms raised and two guys from the staff fixing something to what he was wearing. When I went on stage, the only one who noticed my presence was Bill, who gave me his usual smile when he turned his head to look at me, and I melted away.

I smiled back and walked over to him with the coffee still in my hand. "Careful!" I heard Tom scream before tripping over one of the wires and falling face down. The coffee got me all dirty, but luckily nothing electrical got wet. "Shit!" I yelled, apologizing immediately afterwards. Bill ran to help me, while Tom instead stood by and watched me. What an asshole. Then I realized it was because of me that he hadn't come to help me. "It was my favorite dress"
"I have a change in the dressing room, if you want" Bill told me a little embarrassed.

I would have put on his clothes.

I was turning all red and hoping no one would notice. I went to the dressing room, saw Bill's clothes on the sofa and changed. They had that delicious minty smell. I took four coffees again and brought them to the boys on stage. When they saw me, Tom looked at me shocked for a second and then burst out laughing, while Bill looked at me annoyed. What the fuck was that moron laughing at? Tom leaned in Bill's ear and whispered something to him, immediately after he huffed and Tom continued to have that stupid smile on his face.

It was eight o'clock, the concert started, and I couldn't explain how they were so calm in front of all those people. I was backstage watching them. Some time passed, and I saw Tom sitting down at a grand piano.

He could do literally everything.

In that song there was only Bill, who sang, and Tom who played the piano. I couldn't stop looking at them, I was enchanted. Meanwhile the blond boy, who I thought I understood was called Gustav, and Georg could not be seen but they were on stage too. "Beautiful, right?" Maddie walked up to me. "Yes" I answered her. But we weren't looking at the same things.

Maddie was smiling looking at Gustav, who meanwhile was busy fiddling with chopsticks.

"So you and him-"
"No, he's too busy" she told me, still smiling. I stroked her back and she gave me a smile, then I turned to Tom. Maddie looked me up and down and laughed. "What"
"Why are you wearing Tom's clothes?"

I would have killed that idiot.

"Why is he so much of a jerk"
"He is Tom Kaulitz baby, Tom fucking Kaulitz".


Zoom into me was about to end, and I couldn't stop thinking about her. That dress really suited her... But she looked better with my clothes, which now also smelled like her.

We finished the concert and went straight to the food court, I was starving. I saw Mia picking up a muffin from the table, wearing her coffee-stained black dress. It was pissing me off badly. I approached her and whispered in her ear "Go change yourself" she looked at me terribly. "I will never wear your fucking clothes. Fuck you" and went to sit on the sofa next to Bill. I would have killed her.


We took their limo, which was huge, and drove back to the hotel.
Once in my room, I took my pajamas and underwear and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I took off my dress and heard the door open. I forgot to close the door.

It was Tom.

I screamed and slammed into the door trying to shut it, but he'd already seen too much. Fuck. I finished showering and went to dry my hair in my room, where Bill was already in bed with the phone and a cup of milk. Yes, we shared the room.


She entered the room with her blond hair wet and the hairdryer in hand. She was wearing very short gray shorts and an oversized pink T-shirt. I was about to spit out the milk."Can I turn on the hairdryer?"
"Yes, don't worry" she sat on the bed and began to dry her hair, while I tried in every way to impress that image in my head. But it wouldn't have been difficult, because such a beautiful girl was not easily forgotten. "Stop looking at me, you moron" she told me, so I threw her a pillow. She turned off the hairdryer and gaped at me, throwing the pillow back at me. We burst out laughing, then I got up, grabbed her and threw her on her bed, still laughing.


I went into the room to talk to Mia, finding her and Bill laughing like crazy.

I stood in the doorway, and they both became aware of my presence. They looked at me and stopped laughing. "Bill, can you come out for a second?" He looked first at Mia, who nodded at him, and then walked out. I sat on Bill's bed whitch was in front of her. "What do you want?"
"Sorry" she looked at me warily. "First of all for going into the bathroom while you were there, and then for this morning" she huffed.

"Don't you forget something?"

she told me. I knew what she meant... But I didn't know what to say, and I kept silent. "Get out" the hairdryer resumed and continued to dry her hair, while I left the room.

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