The choice

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We went back to the room laughing like crazy, obviously trying not to wake up the others who were all already in bed.

I don't know how I managed to walk without crutches, even though I looked lame. I was about to go to my room but Bill took me by the arm and kissed me so intensely that I didn't want to leave him anymore for any reason. He broke away and smiled at me.

"Goodnight Princess."

I dropped my mouth in surprise. "Do you think you can let me go after calling me princess?" I made him laugh before taking him by the shirt and giving him one last kiss, this time really the last. Bill went to sleep but I wasn't sleepy at all from all the things that had happened that night, so I put on my pajamas and went to watch some TV. I didn't even turn on the lights for fear the others would wake up, so I had to be careful not to trip. I went and sat on the sofa and almost fell to the floor: I wasn't sitting on the sofa, but on Tom who was sleeping.

A laugh escaped me. "Tom, go to bed." I whispered, moving him a bit. He woke up and rubbed his eyes sitting up and giving me space. I sat next to him, took the remote and turned on the TV. "Did you have fun?" he asked me. "Yes, you should learn from your brother how to be sweet to girls." He looked at me strange. "Did you go out with my brother?" I turned to him in amazement. "Didn't you know?"
"Actually, no. What have you done?"

We almost had sex. "Nothing special."

"Mia, I know it's late, but we need to talk." At these words I turned all my attention to him instead of to the TV. "It doesn't matter if it's late, tell me." I said. I was afraid it was something between the two of us. "I met a girl, her name is Ashley." I huffed. I knew that nurse was not a random person. "I think I have feelings for her." Tom continued. I put a hand to my hair, and this was a gesture that he watched closely. But why? "I didn't tell you the whole truth when I told you that nothing special happened tonight." He sat facing me and waited for me to continue. "We're almost done-"
"Sex?" he completed my sentence.

I looked at him wide-eyed and then nodded my head. He snorted, but why? "What I'm trying to say is that I'm one hundred percent sure about what I feel for him... But I'm not sure about what I feel for you." I said, I didn't even know how I managed to stay so calm. Up until that point, my whole world had always revolved around Tom and I never imagined I'd say such a thing to him, but after that night with Bill... I felt like a different person.


Why did it bother me that she didn't really care that much about Ashley? And why did it bother me more that she was about to have sex with my brother?

Though I tried to deny it, I realized after that night that there was still something inside of me that wanted her and no one else. When she finished speaking we looked into each other's eyes for a while, then she huffed and her eyes moved back to the TV. "If you have nothing to say you may as well leave now." What I had to say could not be expressed in words. So I got up and stood in front of her, blocking her view. "Move away." She said, but I moved closer to her, until we were nose to nose. She didn't seem to flinch, so maybe she wanted it too. "What are you doing?" She said.

"I want to see if it's the same now." I said before kissing her. That kiss didn't last so long that I hardly remember it, but it was still beautiful. I had missed it. "Tom..." she said.

"Say it again, please." It drove me crazy when she said my name like that. "No, it was a mistake. Go to sleep." She said, then got up and limped off to her room.


I woke up with a terrible stomach ache, so I ran straight to the bathroom and realized that I had gotten my period, and I was always shit every time I got my period.

We all got on the bus to leave and I was the last one. When I went up, I hardly scared the others. My condition was awful, but it didn't matter. I went and sat down quickly next to Bill and leaned on his shoulder. "Is everything fine?" he asked me. "Yeah, I just need to get some rest." I said. I just wanted to sleep. Bill reached down, opened his backpack and took out a packet of chocolates.

"I wanted to wait to give it to you, but you need it more now." He said handing it to me with a smile. I smiled at him too and then I started eating the chocolates.

After a while we got to the station, so I turned to Bill. "Why we are here?" but he couldn't answer me. I turned around and saw Tyler get off the bus with his suitcase. But what was he doing? I followed him. "Tyler, where are you going?" I asked him. He turned around with a smile.

"Did you think I was going to stay until the end of the tour? I have to start university."

He said. I opened my mouth and then ran to hug him. "Wow, I'm so happy for you. Finally." We parted. "Now I have to go, I had left the car nearby. Mia" he turned serious. "Please, if those two break your heart let me know." I opened my mouth again and he winked at me before walking off. Surely Vic had told him everything. I got back on the bus and snuggled up to Bill again.


We'd been gone for a few hours and I was getting bored so I turned around to see what the others were doing and saw Tom's eyes on me.

He motioned me to follow him to the bathroom. I laid Mia's head on the seat and followed him. "I kissed Mia last night." We hadn't even entered the bathroom and he immediately threw the bomb. "What? Didn't you like that Ashley?"
"There is something inside of me that still beats for her." At those words, something occurred to me. "She told you we went out together, didn't she?" I asked him. "Yes." I understood everything. "You told me you weren't in love with her anymore and do you want me to believe that everything changed overnight?" I paused to see if he was figuring anything out, but of course not.

"You don't love her, it just annoys you that she's not yours anymore."

He looked at me terribly. "And what do you know?"

"I know because I know you better than yourself. As soon as you saw that she wasn't giving you any more attention, you got annoyed and thought you still loved her. But you don't love her, Tom, you just have this belief that everything must be yours."

At these words, he tried to punch me in the face. But I managed to stop him and slam him against the door which unfortunately opened and made him fall to the floor in front of everyone. Mia whirled around abruptly. "What happens?" She said. Tom stood up and noticed that everyone was looking at him, then he turned to her. "It's time to choose, Mia." She and I looked at him dumbfounded.

"So, me or him?"

I looked at him with wide eyes, then I turned to Mia who by now had tears ready to come out, but it was obvious that she wasn't going to get overwhelmed. The driver stopped at an autogrill and everyone got out running as if they didn't want to watch the scene. We stayed on the bus just the three of us. Mia took a deep breath and then spoke. "Tom, you definitely were the first guy that really made me feel the passion." A smile appeared on Tom's face, then he continued. "But your brother makes me feel love, makes me feel loved. There can't be only passion in a relationship, and he made me realize that."

The smile on Tom's face disappeared and consequently one appeared on mine. "Do you really want me to give you an answer?" concluded Mia. Tom looked at her carefully, then got off the bus, took his motorbike and left.


I didn't know where I had found all that courage. After the kiss the night before, I knew it was Bill that I wanted. I would have chosen him. Always.

"I never thought you'd choose me." He said approaching me with a pleased smile. "Why?"
"My brother is usually the one who gets girls, I suck." He said. I laughed.

"Shut up, I've been yours since the day we met."

Just Kiss Me - Tom and Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now