Nobody but her

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It had been a couple of weeks and summer was almost over.

Luckily I was able to get the band to let Vic come with us as well. Obviously Bill, who was the leader, agreed. We didn't talk much after what had happened, and he would have done anything to be able to talk to me again as before. Meanwhile, it was getting better and better with Tom. Every day that went by, I forgot why I hated him so much... Just, he wasn't always the same: there was the kind and nice Tom who bought you loads of clothes, and that asshole who was mad at you all day and he didn't talk to you for no reason. I understood it from the first day we met, and that was fine with me... Not always though.

We were in August, and starting September I should have started attending university online: I would have studied law. My parents wanted it that way and I was fine with it, even if it would have been very demanding. I would have been forced to study online because of work, that cursed job, which I couldn't even leave because I needed that money to pay for university. Anyway yes, Tyler had managed to pay off the debt, and I was very happy for him... I really missed him a lot. I called him every day, but it wasn't the same.


Each day passed, and with it my longing. I wanted her.

It was getting harder and harder for me not to be able to touch her, and I was always looking for an excuse to be able to, but she ducked away. Unintentionally. Throughout the tour I had continued to fuck girls to try to fill that void inside me, but no one was like her... And the only kiss I had given her, I didn't even remember.

Luckily, after each concert, everyone left the hotel and went partying in some nightclub, so I took the opportunity to take the girls to the room.

I went to a nightclub one evening, looking for some other girl. It was there that I saw her, in a beautiful white dress talking to another girl, she was really beautiful. I dodged all the people in front of me and got to her, and she turned around. How fucking much did that girl look like her? Unfortunately she wasn't Mia. I had even started seeing her when she wasn't there, it couldn't have been worse. This thing really annoyed me so I got drunk... But it didn't work. Everywhere I turned I saw her, and I really fucked every girl in that club to get her out of my mind, but I really couldn't.

I didn't want just anyone, I wanted her. I wanted her to be mine.

I saw a girl with red hair approach me. She was so sexy that I decided to take her to the hotel.


I was bored out of my mind. It seemed strange to say because I was in a nightclub, but after going there practically every night I was tired out of my mind. I just wanted to go back to the hotel.

There was Vic who was literally loving every night of the tour, and she had also replaced me with George. In fact, both were having a blast on the dance floor. Tom never came whenever we had to go out, he said he was tired after every concert and would rather stay at the hotel, even though he was just the type to go out every night.

Maddie was sitting at a table all by herself having a drink. Then, Gustav approached her, and a huge smile appeared on her face. I had spoken to Gustav the day before, telling him to make the first move because Maddie believed very little in herself, so I was left alone to sip my whiskey at the bar, enjoying the show.

Bill approached me smiling. He hadn't done that in a long time, and I missed him. I walked away from him a little. "Mia" he told me. I whirled towards him. "I'm sorry" I heard those two words come out of his mouth and my eyes widened. "I like you so much and you know I wouldn't even touch you with a finger"
"... I know" as soon as I answered him he too turned abruptly towards me.

"When I was sixteen I fell in love with a boy a few years older than me. I had really fallen in love for the first time, and he was really sweet to me. One day he saw a photo of me and my best friend hugging. He got very jealous, and slapped me." Bill's eyes widened. "I convinced myself that it was my fault and that maybe if I didn't publish that picture he wouldn't have hurt me. In the meantime, he became more and more protective and started hitting me, always." I began to cry.
"The last time I saw him, he tried to stab me. But luckily Tyler got there first. Then, I never saw him again. And I hope with all my heart that he is rotting in prison."

I wiped my tears away with my hand, and then turned to him.

 "A person who doesn't understand the harm he inflicts, surely lies about the love he claims to express for that person."

We looked at each other for a few more seconds, but then I gave in and kissed him.
That kiss was full of desire and passion, as if we were just waiting for that but something prevented us from being able to do it. He broke away, and took my hand leading me out of the disco. We took our limousine and went back to the hotel.

I can't say what happened in there.

Once at the hotel we rushed into the elevator, and fortunately our room was on the top floor. He picked me up and made me put my legs around his waist, he had his hands on my butt. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and we kissed. Again and again. He slammed me against the wall of the elevator as he kept kissing me. We heard the beep of the lift and I went down immediately, our room was right there in front. He took me back in his arms and before kissing me he inserted the card in the lock, thus opening the bedroom door. Then he kissed me, with his tongue.

By now we were no longer eating each other with our eyes, but with our mouths.

As we got into our room we heard noises so we took off for a second to see what it was, and I swear I regret that we did.

Tom was shirtless on the sofa, on top of a girl wearing only her panties and bra.

Bill and I couldn't believe what we were seeing. It looked like a porn movie. Tom noticed us, and got up immediately putting his shirt back on. I was absolutely right about him: he didn't stay at the hotel because he was tired, but because he picked up the girls and didn't want us to know. In the meantime, I was still in Bill's arms, and when we both realized it, he immediately put me down. We both settled down, embarrassed.

"What the fuck" Tom said. "I Say what the fuck" I replied. "You say you're staying here because you're tired and you make me sorry for that too. And instead you bring your whores up here?" I was pissed off with him... But why was I? He could do whatever he wanted with his fucking life.


"You're the bitch, not her" but what the fuck did I say.

Mia looked at me in amazement, her cheeks were turning red along with her nose. I'm just an asshole, it was obvious she didn't want me to touch her. The whole time I had only looked at Mia, not realizing that Bill was looking pissed at me. He had fire in his eyes, literally.

He was scaring me, and I almost tripped over the girl's heels as I backed away as he advanced towards me.

"Take this bitch, and get out of here." He said. We were now nose to nose. I know perfectly well that he wanted to punch me, but he couldn't. I listened to him and took the wrist of the girl, who in the meantime was still naked, and left the room. They thought I hadn't seen what they were doing when they came in, but I'd seen everything, and I'd kill my asshole brother if he dared touch her again.


I was crying by now, and the bad thing was that I wasn't just crying because Tom called me a whore, but also because he was with another girl.

Bill took me in his arms and squeezed me tight, continuing to massage my back. I felt like a traitor.

How was I going to do those things with Bill when part of me wanted his brother too?

Just Kiss Me - Tom and Bill KaulitzTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang