On The Edge

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Long blond hair began to fall out of the helmet, until she finally took it off. She began to shake her head, and that straight hair moved from right to left. She took off her suite, and what she was wearing under It made her even sexier. She finished changing, took her things and when she turned around I had to pinch myself to understand if what I was seeing was real or just a dream from which I never wanted to wake up: those eyes greener than the grass, those freckles and those lips that looked like pillows.

And the thing was, she wasn't wearing makeup at all.

Someone punched me on the shoulder and I took my eyes off that vision, it was Bill. "Tom, what were you looking at?" Mia had already left the room, unfortunately, so I didn't have time to show Bill what I had been laying eyes on all along. "Nothing, wait a second" I ran out of the room but she wasn't there. I left the club and saw her get into a beautiful Ferrari with a boy. I was hoping it wasn't the boyfriend. Shit.

I went back in and told Bill to get going and change. I was going to follow that car. When he finished we ran to my motorcycle, put on helmets and followed the car which meanwhile was stuck in traffic. "Where are we going?" Bill asked me. "You'll find out," I told him laughing. I've never seen such a beautiful girl in my life, and I've never felt that way before. We were still in traffic and right behind the car. At one point I saw her lower the mirror and fix her hair, even if she didn't need to because she would have been beautiful even with a smurf on her head. "Ahh, I understand what you are looking at" Bill told me from behind. "Shut the fuck up" I replied laughing.We finally managed to get out of there and started moving.


We finally started moving from there, I was getting depressed. I looked in the mirror and right behind us was a real Triumph! It was white and gold, so beautiful I couldn't take my eyes off her. I rolled down the window, turned around and yelled "nice motorcycle!" to the guy who drove it. He had an orange helmet, also a beautiful one. He ducked his head after what I'd yelled at him and then raised it again, following just the same way home as we did.

We finally got home and the only thing I wanted to do was jump in the shower and never go out again. The mysterious motorcyclist pulled up in front of our house, got out of the car and joined me at the door. "Hey, it's Tom" he said. I understood after that he was the Tom of Paintball, which I had never even seen his face yet.

"My band is playing in a disco tomorrow night, do you want to come?"
"Did you come up to my house to ask me this?" I was holding back a laugh. He crossed his arms waiting for something to come out of my mouth. "Okay sorry, I'll definitely be there. Also keep my number so you can write me which disco" I took a marker from my backpack, rolled up the sleeve of his leather jacket and wrote it on his arm. "So... Bye" and ran off. He seemed like a strange guy, but his voice and mint scent drove me crazy, maybe he was the singer.


"You chose well," I said to Tom as we walked back to the hotel. "It will be another one-night stand, right?"
"I really think so. Have you seen the body she has?" I felt bad for that girl. I hoped that at least he would behave differently with her, she didn't even seem like a one-night stand...

I had never seen a more beautiful girl than that one. "Do you even know what's her name?"
"Mia, I think. But it doesn't matter what her name is" Mia. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. "You could have at least introduced me, I'm still your brother"
"Don't tell me you like her too" he took me by surprise.

"What are you saying, I don't even know her. Wait, I forgot I'm talking to a guy who doesn't even care to know them, right?"
"How well you know me bro" I really hoped I didn't know him instead.


I didn't know what the fuck to wear. I hadn't brought clothes suitable for such an occasion since no one had ever asked me out. I invited Vic to the house for help.

Finally I putted on white parachute pants, a tight gray T-shirt and my usual Nikes, tying my hair up with a clip. I would have even gone in pajamas. "You could have put on a nice dress anyway" Vic told me with her arms folded. "If I had them maybe I would, but for now all I can do is this, then I'm not a toilet like that" we began to laugh.

I entered the disco and I could already hear people playing. There were so many people, and there were four of them on stage: one played the guitar, another the bass, another the drums and another sang. I think they were playing a song called "On The Edge". I spotted Tom almost immediately because of the braids. He was there that playing the guitar.

Not even my imagination could do him better than his mother.

He had that lip piercing that he kept touching with his tongue, smiling. I was going crazy. I walked over to the bar and had a coke while still staring at him. He became aware of my presence, and gave me a nod with his chin. He didn't take his eyes off me, same thing the singer. When they realized they were both looking at me, they turned to them, dazed.

After playing everyone applauded, asking for an autograph from each of them, except Tom, who got off the stage and joined me. "So? How was it?" he asked me. "You did great," I replied with a smile. He saw that I was only drinking a coke. "Why don't you take something stronger?" he asked the bartender for a few shots. "It's no problem, you're with me"

One, two, three, four... After five shots I realized I couldn't handle alcohol. I was completely drunk.

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