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"Tom..." I told him as soon as we parted.

"And Marlene?" He snorted, then took my hand and together we walked back to the bus, wet. We got on the bus and everyone looked at us in shock. Bill stood up and came over to me, looked at me for a few seconds and then hugged me, whispering in my ear. "I knew you would change your mind." I felt really terrible, I couldn't even return the hug. Anyway, Tom and I had got on the bus holding hands, and luckily no one had noticed. Bill broke away and went to sit in his place, then inviting me to sit next to him. Tom told me he was going to go to the bathroom and then get me a sweatshirt since I was freezing.

The moment the door closed behind Tom, Marlene got up and came over to me, then started talking to all of us. "Since Tom has broken our deal, I'm going to tell you something very interesting." Shit, she most likely saw us holding hands. "You know, one night Tom and Bill were playing in their parents' room-" Bill interrupted as he stood up. "Marlene, stop it." He said, but she continued. "Then they moved to the balcony, they were tall enough to lean over, so Tom had the wonderful idea of ​​pushing his brother, and Bill fell." I heard Bill sit back mouthing "fuck," and I couldn't believe what I'd just heard.

"Did he do it voluntarily?" I asked her, hoping for a no. "Yes, he did." She replied with a mischievous smile on her face. Tom came back to us with a sweatshirt in hand, and saw us all shocked. "What happened?" he asked. Meanwhile my eyes continued to be wide open, then I decided to go and sit next to Bill. Tom walked up to me looking at me bewildered. I didn't even have the strength to look at his face, so he went back to his seat. Meanwhile we had already left, and I grabbed Bill's hand squeezing it with all my strength, then I turned towards him. "How can you still love him despite everything?" I asked him, giving him my fearful gaze.

"He is my brother."

He replied, taking the sweatshirt he had nearby and handing it to me. I took it, put it on and then leaned against his shoulder still holding his hand. I was wetting his pants with wet hair, but he didn't care.


But what the fuck was she doing? Had I just told her what was in my heart, which I've never done for anyone, and she'd gone and sat next to Bill? Why? "What happened while I was gone?" I asked Marlene who was sitting next to me. "Poor Tom, you broke the pact and now everything will come back to haunt you..." she replied with a childish face. I already understood everything. "When we get to the hotel, I will organize a press conference myself where I will tell everyone that you hit me, so you learn." I didn't know how to react. I wanted to smash everything, cry and hug Mia at the same time. But I didn't do any of that, I just sat there staring into space.


We arrived at the hotel around nine in the morning and we were already going to have the concert that same evening.

Mia had fallen asleep on my shoulder. Her hair was a bit messy, her eyes were puffy and her mouth was open. She was beautiful even that way. I had never fallen so much in love with someone, and I was happy that I fell in love with her. I woke her up to tell her we had arrived. She opened her eyes slowly, then yawned and stretched. When she saw me, she smiled and caressed my face. We got off the bus and were escorted to our room. After placing the suitcases on our beds, I took Mia to the terrace and decided to tell her the truth.

"What happened?" she asked me curious, I hadn't noticed she was still wearing my sweatshirt. How pretty.

"I need to talk to you about what Marlene said on the bus." She looked at the ground, then snorted and folded her arms. "I have to talk to you too, but you can start." She said. "Our parents had a big fight that night, and we still didn't know they were getting a divorce. My mother was the most sick, and she decided to have a drink. Tom and I spied on her, and saw her add something white to her glass. Then someone called her so she left the room. I had told Tom not to move, but he went over to her glass anyway and drank a sip, grimacing immediately afterwards. Then we went to play on the balcony and what happened happened."

I said all in one go. Mia had spent so much time with us, and unfortunately she had learned that too: the expression that said absolutely nothing. There was a few more seconds of silence, then she came up to me and hugged me. I could feel the warmth of her arms enveloping me completely. We parted. "What did you want to tell me?" she widened her eyes in surprise. "Oh, nothing important. Let's go back inside." She said smiling.


I wanted to tell him, I really wanted to tell him that Tom and I had kissed... I just couldn't.

I had decided that I would talk to both of them at the same time. Everyone left the room to tour the new Hotel a bit, so I took advantage of it: I took both Tom and Bill and brought them into the living room. They sat on the sofa and I decided to stand in front of them. They both looked at me without saying anything at all, waiting for me to speak. "You already know why I brought you here." Bill waited for me to continue, while Tom looked down. I put my hands behind my back and began to torture them, it was the only way to relieve the anxiety I was feeling at the time.

"Yesterday I was waiting for the train, then I heard a voice and turning around I saw Tom. I approached him, we started talking, one thing led to another and... We kissed." I blurted out to Bill. Tom and I continued to watch him waiting for him to say something. He looked down, snorted and then spoke. "Okay, continue." He said. Tom and I locked eyes for a second, then I went back to talking. "Okay. Hum... Bill and I had sex." I said turning to Tom. Bill and I looked at him eagerly for an answer, and all he gave me was a shocked look, as if I had betrayed him. He stood up, grabbed Bill by the collar of his shirt and held him tight.

"Asshole." He said. I went to stop him, but Bill shoved him into the wall and scared both me and him. "She's not your girlfriend, stop doing that." There Tom was silent, but I approached both of them. "I'm not even yours," I said turning to Bill. Both of them whirled towards me, looking at me dazed. "I am responsible for your constant quarrels and you are becoming more and more detached because of me. I don't want it to get worse. So I decided to take a break... From both of you." I continued. They first looked at me, then at each other. Tom held out his hand giving me a smile. "Friends?" He said. I looked at his hand a little puzzled, then decided to shake it.

"Friends." I answered him, even Bill gave me a smile. Then, we decided to join the others for a short tour of the city. After a few hours we went back to the hotel, rested a bit and then went to soundcheck for the concert.

While the boys were doing some final rehearsals before starting, I had a little talk with Maddie and Vic. "How are things with Gustav?" I asked Maddie. "Two days ago we kissed." Vic and I's mouths dropped open. "What were you waiting for to tell us?!" Vic told her. "I didn't want to tell you because it didn't go well... I found out right away that he had a girlfriend." Our mouths dropped even wider. "What an asshole." Vic said, and I laughed. "You and George instead?" I asked Vic, patting her back. "All great! He bought me a beautiful dress." she said. In short, the only unlucky one was me. Of course I was very happy with their achievements, but inside I was a little jealous.

After the concert, we congratulated the boys. We were all in the break room until one of the staff told me someone was there for me, so I walked to the door and that's when I saw my brother.

He was there staring at me with a huge smile. I couldn't move, but then I ran towards him and jumped on him, staining him with tears. In the meantime, everyone had come out to look at us. "You have to thank Vic, she told me you were here." Tyler said. I turned and smiled at my best friend who was crying with emotion. "Mia, there is someone else here with me." He said suddenly becoming serious. I wiped away my tears, and it was when I looked behind my brother that I literally felt like dying. Tyler stepped aside and I saw him even better, then I started backing away.

Cole was standing there staring at me with a mischievous smile. Tom walked over to me, and when I felt his hand on my side and his breath on my neck I immediately felt safe again. "Mia, who is he?" he asked me in a whisper. "He's my ex boyfriend... Cole."

Just Kiss Me - Tom and Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now