I'm sorry

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The boys still didn't know that all five of us would be in the same room, but they would soon find out.

The guy let us into the room, and it was literally huge. "It's incredible" exclaimed the blond boy I hadn't met yet. I explored the room a bit while the boys sorted out their things... There were really only four beds, but there was also a nice big sofa. The mint smell overwhelmed me. Tom took my bags and placed them on his bed, then took his and put them next to the sofa, without saying anything.

I had loved that gesture, even if I hated Tom to death.

He turned to me as he opened his suitcase and laughed. "Why are you all red?" Bill told me. From there I understood the reason for Tom's laughter. But how stupid I was. I too began to arrange my clothes in the closet, unable to get Yellow by Coldplay out of my head, I even started to hum it. All four noticed, especially Bill, who couldn't stop smiling. I wonder why.

"Mia" I heard a whisper. I looked at the clock on the bedside table and it was eight in the morning, and I was still dazed from the journey. "Miaa" that voice kept whispering my name and I could barely open my eyes. "Who the fuck are you" I said rubbing my eyes. "I'm Georg, the bass player. Pleased to meet you"
"Don't you think it's a bit early for introductions?" I told him. I was about to cry from exhaustion. "You have to get up now. Maddie is waiting for you" what did Maddie want too? "Why are you awake?"
"I'm an early riser. Come on, get up" he helped me up by grabbing my wrists. "You are now our assistant, and you can't have the luxury of getting up at ten every morning" maybe I should have better not take the job.

I dressed and joined Maddie who was waiting for me outside the door. "So, we have a lot of work. This is the list of what we will do today" was practically a list that never ended. "That's all you and I will do from now until eleven, which is when they wake up. From eleven onwards we will go to visit the city and at six the boys will go to soundcheck for the concert which will be at eight. All clear?"

I watched her with wide eyes. It was my first day and I didn't even have time to go pee.

I returned to the hotel exhausted and it was only eleven in the morning. I walked into the room and, like Maddie said, everyone was awake. I almost couldn't stand up and we still had to go around the city. "Is everything fine?" Tom asked me. Like hell I would have spoken to him. I looked at him raising my eyebrows, then kept walking towards my room hearing him huff as he turned on the tv. I would have gone out with what I already had on because I was so tired that it was difficult for me to even lift my arm. Maddie had told me to bring a backpack and put many bottles of water, food, money and black markers in it. What could black markers be used for? Maybe for autographs?

We started walking and after half an hour my back hurted so much. "Give me" Tom said taking my backpack. While he was taking It, a madman passed by us very fast, pushing me and taking my backpack. Tom noticed that I was on the ground, he was about to help me but then withdrew, chasing the guy. Meanwhile we called a taxi and followed him. Tom kept chasing the guy down an alley where the cab couldn't go. I got out and started running. "Mia! What the fuck are you doing!" Bill yelled at me from the window. I didn't care and kept running. Finally Tom reached the guy who had now reached a blind spot, took his backpack and then filled it with fists.

I was shocked.

He approached me with the backpack he was holding in his hand full of blood... which wasn't his though. I took the backpack and put it on my shoulders, not caring about the weight. "Does it look normal to you?" I told him pissed. He looked at me strange. "Why did you beat him up?" he began to approach me, but this time I didn't back away. "But you only know how to complain? Don't you care that I got your backpack back?"
"Not if a person ends badly. But you don't care anyway, all you do is hurt anyone who gets close to you, right?" he continued to stare at me without saying anything, with his usual expression. The one that expresses nothing.

"But what do you know, you have never received love in your life" what was I saying? Why didn't Bill come and tell me to shut up? Why wasn't he there to shut me up?

Tom moved closer and closer to me, until we were nose to nose. "Don't ever dare to talk to me like that again, or you'll forget the money. Bitch." Tears started rolling down my eyes, wetting my cheeks. "What are you doing now? Are you crying too? Fuck you, you're going back to the hotel alone."I felt like crap. I knew nothing about him and had taken the liberty of saying something like that to him. What the fuck was on my brain? As I walked back to the hotel, even though it was still twelve o'clock, the tears continued to wet my cheeks, but my expression was always the same: Tom's.


It was four o'clock and honestly I much preferred Los Angeles.

We all decided to go back to the hotel, even though I didn't feel ready to see Mia just yet. It pissed me off badly. Who did she think she was? I was her boss and she had to treat me with respect. Only when I saw her cry... My heart broke. Still, even though I hated to see her that way, I kept talking without stopping. I just wanted to lie down on the bed, actually, the sofa.

Once in the room I just wanted to talk to her. I went straight to her room, the door was ajar and before knocking I heard she was talking to someone. "How is it going?" she waited a while to answer, then began to speak in a trembling voice. "I hate it. I hate this job"
"But it's only the first day. You'll see that it will get better" she couldn't take it anymore, and burst into tears. "Tyler, I miss you so much. I want to go home" she said between sobs. "Mia, I know you. You have faced more difficult things"
"You say that because you need the money"
"No, I'm saying that because I love you, and I know you" she finally smiled, and then they ended the call. She still had a few hours to rest before the concert, so she lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

That's where I walked in, trying to be as quiet as possible. I sat next to her, her eyes were swollen and her nose and cheeks were red. Some hair had stuck to her face, so I moved her hair back with my finger.

"I'm sorry".

Just Kiss Me - Tom and Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now