The brightest star

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After a week they finally let me out of the hospital.

Tyler and the others came to see me sometimes, but Tom and Bill had been the ones who stood by me every day... More Bill than Tom actually. There was something strange about him and I wanted to talk to him as soon as possible. September had just begun and I had to start organizing for university, while the tour absolutely had to continue. Because of me they had stayed more than a week in different cities and had to change the dates of the concerts. They could have left me there and continued their tour, but they didn't. On the one hand I was pleased, but on the other I didn't want them to lose all that money on me.

However, in October it would all be over and I would never see them again...

Bill helped me out of the hospital, even though I was on crutches, and Tom took care of carrying the bags with my clothes. "We were supposed to leave tonight, but I put it off until tomorrow morning." Bill told me as we walked out. I looked at him strangely. "Why?" I asked him. "Because tonight I have a surprise for someone." He whispered in my ear giving me a slight smile. I couldn't hold back a smile myself, but it soon disappeared and I turned to see Tom. He was still inside the hospital talking to a nurse: she was blonde and had wavy hair, but I couldn't see her face. I only saw that Tom never took his eyes off her and that her smile never faded.

"Tom!" I yelled from outside. They both whirled around, and when I saw her I almost thought I was looking in the mirror.

I tried not to charm myself and told Tom to come. He gave her one last smile and then joined us. We continued walking towards the cab and I saw Tom approach Bill's ear. I could only hear one name: Ashley. I sighed and they both noticed. Shit. What should I have said to justify myself? "Sorry, my leg hurts terribly." I said with a completely fake smile. We got into the cab and I obviously ended up between them: Bill on my left and Tom on my right. Tom looked thoughtfully out the window playing with his piercing and was making me melt.

Bill was also looking out the window thoughtfully, and both had a fantastic profile: that perfect nose and those beautiful lips. I didn't want them to know I was staring at them, so I just looked ahead and waited for us to get to the hotel. Suddenly I felt something large slide down my left thigh, right where the bandage was on.

I looked down and saw Bill's big hand continue to stroke me up and down.

I tried hard not to smile and hoped neither of them felt my pulse quicken. I was tempted to put my hand over his, but first I turned to Tom: he was still staring out the window. He hadn't noticed anything. I didn't want to let the moment get spoiled and I laced my fingers through Bill's.

My leg ached whenever something brushed against it, but Bill's touch managed to make the pain go away.

We arrived at the hotel and our hands parted. We'd come a long way and yet Tom hadn't noticed a thing the whole time. How strange. We entered the room and Tyler hugged me leaving me no way out, then Vic joined me. When they both parted, I also embraced Georg and Gustav. "I have to talk to you." Tyler told me when I finished saying hi to everyone. I turned to Bill. "Don't worry, we'll arrange your bags." He told me smiling. "Thank you." I answered him. We went to Vic's room and I sat down on one of the two beds since I was already tired from walking too much.

"It's all my fault." He said. I looked at him strangely. "What are you talking about?"
"Cole came because of me." He answered sitting down on the bed in front of me. "Why should it be your fault?" he hesitated, then spoke. "One night I went to play poker with some friends, and I didn't know he would be there too. I didn't even know he was out of prison. I got up from the table for a second to go to the bathroom, and when I went to wash my hands I saw a gun pointed at my temple. It was Cole."

Just Kiss Me - Tom and Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now