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"I have to pay back $20,000 within a month or they'll screw up my car too" what the fuck had he done? Maybe he'd never been the perfect brother I'd always thought he was.

he was actually the most sensitive, perhaps if we had given him more love he would not have started gambling. "I'll give you the money, don't worry. I've found a job that pays very well." He looked at me with dreamy, grateful eyes...

For the first time in years, he was hugging me.

"Sorry for all the times I treated you badly. Thank you, I love you" I hugged him back. I really needed words like that at that moment. I felt so broken because of Tom, but at the same time I was happy for helping my brother. I thought I hated him, but actually I loved him, he was part of me. We separated. "Tyler, I'm leaving for work tomorrow"
"And when you'll return?"
"I don't know, but I'll mail you the money," he smiled. "I don't care about the money, I just want you to come back safe and sound" I smiled at him too, then went to pack.

The following morning I got up around eight and started getting ready. I wore something very unglamorous as the journey was going to be a long one, in fact I put on an oversized white tee and gray track pants with my usual Nikes, tying my hair up in a high ponytail. I heard the doorbell ring and found Bill standing in front of me with his arms folded and a smile on his face, with a huge bus behind him. Then I looked at him better and realized he had cut his hair. "You look great" I told him taking the suitcase and backpack. "Thank you. Give me I'll do it" and took my things.

"Were you thinking of leaving without saying goodbye?" Tyler ran out, grabbed me by the waist and gave me a huge hug, making me fly. "Don't bullshit, I love you" and stood at the door until I got on the bus.


I saw her hug that guy and almost didn't get off the bus to punch him in the face. Mia and Bill got on the bus, I had reserved a seat for her next to me, so without being noticed I threw out the bag that was on the seat. She saw the empty seat, but saw two more and mentioned for Bill to sit with her. "That's her brother, by the way" Bill whispered in my ear as he went to sit down.

Why did she want to be with him? I was a lot cooler than my brother, and a lot nicer too. What did she find in him?

We'd been gone for a while, and I just looked at Mia the whole time, while she didn't even look at me. "Can you turn down the air conditioning a bit?" she said. She let her hair down fixing them, trying to warm her arms with her hands. I realized that next to me I had the sweatshirt, so I threw it at her, immediately hiding in the seat. She was to the left and I was ahead of her to the right, so she wouldn't have seen me if I hid. I turned around again, and saw her with her arms folded, wearing my sweatshirt.

I smiled.

"Whose sweatshirt is this?" Mia asked Bill shortly after. Bill bent down to smell it. "Tom's" he said. At this statement Mia widened her eyes and immediately took it off, giving it to Bill. He laughed. "Do you want mine?"
"Yes, thank you" she replied. What a fucking bastard my brother was. "But don't you have yours?" I told her pissed. They both turned to look at me, I huffed and kept looking forward.


She had fallen asleep on my shoulder, and I was about to go crazy. Meanwhile I was listening to Yellow by Coldplay, so I put a headset in her ear, and she smiled. How beautiful she was.

"Bill" Tom had been trying to communicate with me for most of the trip. "What the fuck do you want" he motioned for me to go in the backseat with him. I huffed and carefully placed Mia's head on the window, hoping there wouldn't be potholes along the way. "What do you want"
"What are you doing"
"Stay out of me and Mia or I'll kill you" I sighed again. "You and her are nothing and she hates you, stick it in your head"
"We'll see about that" I rolled my eyes and sat down again. He always pissed off whenever it came to Mia, and then ended up being crazy.

We arrived at the hotel at eight in the evening, and I honestly didn't even know what city we were in. "Mia, we've arrived" I turned to her and she was reading a book. "Pride and prejudice huh? You like old-fashioned love stories I see" she laughed and closed the book. "We have arrived?"
"Yes, start stretching your legs and getting your things" so she did.


Getting off the bus, I tripped on one of the steps and almost fell flat on my face. I felt a big hand wrap around my wrist, it had kept me from falling. It was Tom. When I turned around, he quickly withdrew his hand. "Sorry" he said as he walked past me. For that time I would have let it pass since my face was in danger.

A beautiful woman greeted us: she had short blond hair, she was wearing a black suit and rectangle-framed glasses. "Maddie!" Bill exclaimed when he saw her, hugging her.

Why were they so close?

"Yes yes, I missed you too. Now take your things, he will escort you to your room" she said pointing to another big man who was next to her. Everyone greeted her, then she came up to me and held out her hand. I squeezed it. "Hi, I'm Maddie and I'm their manager, nice to meet you Mia" she already knew my name. "Unfortunately, I was informed at the last minute that you would be there too, so I had booked only one room for the four of them. What do you want to do?" She was really putting me in trouble.

I was supposed to share a hotel room with four boys for I don't know how many days. I would have gone crazy, but I would have done anything for my brother.

Just Kiss Me - Tom and Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now