Big problems

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"Mia" but why did everyone like to wake me up?

I looked at the time: it was eleven in the morning. "Who are you?" I said rubbing my eyes. "Get up and go down to breakfast" so I got up, and I heard a door close. I went straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth without even looking because I still couldn't open my eyes. I spat the water into the sink and lifted my head to look at myself in the mirror. My eyes widened and I slowly turned my head to the left.

Tom was there, shirtless.

We looked at each other for more than a minute without saying anything. "Sorry" I said walking out of the bathroom. "Wait" oh God. "You can stay, I just have to put on the shirt"
"No really, I'm already ready"
"But you're still in your pajamas-" a noise made him stop from finishing the sentence. I was walking backwards and at the same time I was also dropping everything in the bathroom. As soon as my hand met the handle of the door I went out and closed it behind me. I leaned against the door breathing hard, then grabbed a pillow, threw it over my face and screamed. I even left the room, with the pillow.

Abs sculpted by Michelangelo. Literally.

I couldn't believe what I had seen and, still wide-eyed, I took the elevator. I went into the breakfast room, and found Bill, Georg and Gustav's table right in front of me. They looked at me in amazement and Bill even spat the cereal in Gustav's face who was right in front of him. Bill got up and walked over to me. "What the fuck are you doing in your underwear and with a pillow in your hand?" in my underwear? I ducked my head and Bill was right. I was in my underwear. But when had I taken off my shorts? "Bill, I honestly don't know" He took my hand and took me to the elevator, I think he wanted to take me to the room to put something on. Even in the elevator, he kept holding my hand. He looked straight ahead the whole time, while I kept looking at him, smiling.

He didn't even look at me for a moment, and I appreciated that gesture more than anything else. "Bill" I said and stood in front of him. Even though I was in front of him, he looked into my eyes, without lowering his gaze even once... I took his face in my hands and kissed him. It was a sweet and passionate kiss. I kept holding his face in my hands, then he put his hands on my hips. We continued to kiss for a long time, and I had never felt safer than in that moment. It made me feel unique and special. It was just the two of us.

He pulled away for a second and spoke, "But what are we going to tell the others-" I didn't let him finish.

"Just kiss me".

The elevator doors opened, but it didn't matter that much and we continued kissing. "What the fuck" that voice made me jump and disconnect immediately. Tom was standing there, looking at us. He had seen it all. His face was indescribable, for the first time it wasn't his usual expression that said nothing. That expression said a lot of things. "Get out of here you piece of shit" he turned to Bill, taking him by the collar of his shirt. He dragged him out of the elevator, stood for a few seconds looking at him, same thing did Bill, who didn't know what to do.
Tom punched him.

"What the fuck are you doing!" I yelled, putting myself between them... But I was really too fast. My cheek was burning, badly.

Bill had slapped me.

He hadn't done it on purpose and it wasn't even meant for me, but if he had acted mature and hadn't reacted, I wouldn't have gotten hurt. They both looked at me worried without saying anything, so I didn't say anything either. All I did was keep from crying. I turned to Bill, and then to Tom. I went back to my room at a fast pace, locking myself in my room and taking refuge in my bed, promising myself that I would never get out.

Some time passed and I heard a knock on the door. I woke up suddenly, hoping it wasn't who I thought. "Come in" I said.

It was Vic.

As soon as I saw her, I stood up and suddenly hugged her, bursting into tears again. She returned the hug. "I missed you so much" I said between sobs. "Oh god calm down, I missed you too" she didn't know what I had been through the last two days. I had only just met her, but I already considered her like a sister, because I had never met a person like her... And she had arrived at just the right moment.

Just Kiss Me - Tom and Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now