"You're supporting him, the Hyung you got a month ago?" Jhope asked in disbelief, seeing Ha-joon talking to him rudely.

"I support both of them but if you only see your Hyung then I will see mine" Ha-joon firmly said.

Jhope didn't move his gaze from Ha-joon, Jungkook wanted this chance to say his thoughts so he used Jhope's silence.

"Jhope, I made a mistake by sending him away but now I really love him" Jungkook said.

"You love my Hyung?" Jhope looked at Jungkook.

"Yes and I want him back, you will help me right?" Jungkook asked hopefully "You love Ha-joon and I love your brother we can help each other, I will help you to convince my parents and you help me to convince Taehyung"

"But they know my relationship with Ha-joon and accepted us" Jhope pointed at the Namjin  couple.

Jungkook frustratedly sighed "But I will not allow you to marry my brother, Ha-joon will you marry him without my permission?"

Ha-joon, who was struck by the happiness of Jungkook calling him brother and shook his head as no.

Jhope gasps and Jungkook smirks at him "Now what do you say?"

Namjoon whispered to Jin "See what your son is doing? He just proved he is your son, remember how you talked with my appa in the village when I first took you there after our marriage" Jin smiled remembering the day and actioned his husband to be silent.

"If you love hyung then I support you" Jhope said, confused about the situation, he came here to fight with Jungkook but now supporting him.

Jungkook wrapped his arms in Jhope's shoulder "I know you will support me, Thank you and you can marry my brother but not now and one more thing behave with him or my punches are more effective than you" he patted him "Ok then I will get ready for office" then jogged upstairs happily.

Namjoon and Jin smiled at him then went to their room giving space to the young couple. Jhope looked at them and dragged Ha-joon out.

"You will not marry me if you're Hyung refused me huh?" Jhope shaked the shoulder of Ha-joon.

"You will do the same right? You just left me that day and when I called you to meet, you said you had plans, you are clearly avoiding me" Ha-joon removed himself from the hold.

Jhope held Ha-joon hand "I was angry hearing the contract marriage and again I really had plans yesterday, I promised to take Hyung home" he cupped younger's face "I didn't avoid you just worried about Hyung"

Ha-Joon hugged him "Don't ignore me again" Jhope hugged him back "Ok, you too don't raise your voice on me supporting your Hyung" and the younger nodded, smiling.

"Did you see that Hyung called me brother?" Ha-joon asked, lifting his face excitedly.

"Yeah yeah, I saw it and suddenly you refused to marry me supporting him?" Jhope raised his eyebrow.

"Hehee I was so happy... sorry" Ha-joon gave a smile to melt his lover.

"Alright, get your bag, I will drop you" Jhope said and he dropped Ha-joon to his company then went to Jeon corporation.

Jungkook came to the office early and waited near the elevator for Tae, this is the only time he meets him so can't miss the moment.

Tae glanced at him and entered the lift ignoring him. Jungkook followed him and stood behind him as he could see Tae from back fully, and to his luck, no one with them in the elevator today.

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