Uhhh...(not chap)

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So I went missing lol
For you lazy asses:
Yes the story is officially in haitus until further notice
And here's the full explanation:
So I am moving to the USA while my home was at Europe and that messed up my life quite a bit
Though not enough to stop me from loving eddsworld and ofc tomtord (is that even good? Idk idc)
My latest chapters seemed to suck in my eyes and that got me a bit unmotivated
Plus every chapter I tried to write for y'all never seemed to be any better so another thing to lower my confidence
The most annoying part is that I have all the storyline in my head but I have zero idea how to give it to you Nobody T^T
And whenever I think of this I fear I'll forget it all and want to write it down
so I'm kinda stuck in this loop
Life is unfair
Don't worry Nobody I didn't give up on this story bc there's some spicy stuff I can't not publish sooo
Nobody it's fine
I'll work it out... I'll try
I am trying
If anyone here is Nobody I'd like to know so I won't feel too alone in this



¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.


Shallow loveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora