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Tord strolled down the palace hallway, his arms loaded with weighty books—strictly academic, of course. His parents are eager as ever on forming him into the perfect king,
they prohibited him from even glancing at the pages of children's stories,
the prince tried convincing them that knowing all of his citizens-aka: commoners, will prove to be beneficial when he turns into the king however they were insisting on him to go through the regular process.
Frustrated by this limiting rule, Tord came up with a plan: "I'm going to the village today," he decided, thinking of a temporary escape.

Approaching the next classroom without knocking, Tord caught the teacher, rushing breathlessly toward the door.
"Unnskyld, Deres høyhet, byens festligheter har forårsaket en del trafikk,"
("Apologies, your highness, the town's festivities have caused some traffic,")
panted the teacher. (horse traffic guys)

'The event' is how Tord liked to call it, his face fell immediately and his mind spaced out completely.

The prince was pondering too much on 'the event' , the teacher started to worry he's in trouble.
Realizing the long silence Tord in attempt to ease the tension, proclaimed: "det er helt greit herre...?" ("it's absolutely fine mister....?")
"Jeg foretrekker at du dropper formalitetene og bare kaller meg George, Deres høyhet"
("I'd prefer if you'd drop the formalities and just call me George, your highness")
Tord hummed in response before he introduced himself, "I så fall George, kan du kalle meg Tord også."
("in that case George, you may call me Tord as well.")

Tord, focused, noticed a new face, a man in his forties, with a short beard and black hair that is longer than Tord, dressed in rather fancy attire.

George had a welcoming attitude, something Tord appreciated dearly.
you could also hear he had a unique accent which means he isn't from Norway, it lead Tord to question where exactly he came from.
"Jeg er opprinnelig fra Georgia, men jeg måtte reise..." ("I'm from Georgia, originally, but I had to leave—-")
George explained before diving into details,
that's where Tord found himself losing interest in the conversation.
He let His thoughts to wonder back to the upcoming occasion —a celebration of peace among nations for 20 years, also taking place at Tord's 18th birthday.

Two certainties was repeated in Tord's mind before turning into more current matters such as...
how much he will hate this royal manners class, and boi he had no intention of tolerating the entire day within these walls, learning nothing but classes such as this.

As the class came to an end, Tord swiftly parted ways with George,
his mind racing with loath for the upcoming royal guests. The approaching celebrations, a month or two away, already attracted early arrivals,
increasing Tord's dislike for the royal crowd . He utterly despises their big egos and the flattery way they communicated with him to receive recognition among the higher ups and maybe even a promotion.

As he walked through the corridors, Tord faced the event with a sense of dread. The idea of handling with suck-up and insincere compliments from the royals was almost unbearable.
In a sudden hurry, he retreated to his room, having only 20 minutes to escape before anyone noticed.

Swift as a jaguar, Tord accessed a secret drawer beneath his bed, swapping his royal attire for more low-profile clothes.
Putting on a simple coat for example,
he then performed the old method of the fake 'sleeper' with the pillows beneath the blanket to trick any intruders, scribbling a note that read "Don't enter, I'm sick.", In a matter of minutes Tord was ready to make his move.
And so he jumped off the window holding on the scarf he tied to the bed's leg,
He pulled it out with a firmer grip and hid it behind a close bush.

With just two minutes left before the guards' regular check, Tord strategically navigated the castle, knowing their posts. Hiding and running , until he located the broken part of the barrier.

The countdown began:

With the final count, Tord slipped out of sight, free from the responsibilities lying within the palace.

soooo? What do you think? I believe I did a pretty good job but you can tell me if it's too hard to understand unlike the old version
Anyway hope you enjoyed , vote , comment or whatnot to show me what I may improve
Love chu guys bye!

Shallow loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें