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Tord led the way to the hideout today that way they didn't turn in the wrong alley
Edd was at the valley, he was searching for something in one of the boxes
"Hey Edd!" Matt exclaimed Tord held his hand without waving (manners and stuff)
"Oh hello" Edd said leaving the box to chat with his friends
"Tim didn't come today?" Matt asked looking behind Edd searching in his eyes for Tom
"Matt it's Tom, and he did just on the tree , the leaves are hiding him "
"I'll never wish to climb a tree ! It might ruin my clothes! Or even worse! My face!"
Edd giggles at Matt's comment while Tord was curious "what's that...? Climb a tree?"
He questioned his friends "as it sounds! Climb the tree! Get to the highest branch!"
Matt answered immediately happy he could be for a help for once
"Can you come with me to try it?" Tord requested shyly, he didn't want to bother his new friends however he wished to know the feeling of climbing up a tree, maybe it'll be as fun as swinging or maybe even better
"I'm sorry but you heard Matt, and I... have a little fear of hights... no worries! I'm sure Tom would be willing to help!" Edd tried his optimistic approach
Tord curious and hyped expression downed "I doubt " he whispered not mentioning the fact he didn't want help from the rude knight like kid, who would not just not help him probably he would mock and laugh about the prince
"I know he was a bit mean yesterday... it's just hard for him to trust new people "
"Especially nobles! And you're not just any noble but a prince!" Matt added
"He'll get used to you eventually, then you'll see the Tom we know"
Tord made a questionable face towards Matt asking silently if there is a not rude Tom
Matt shrugged and Edd sighed decided to take action he shoved Tord a little
"At least try you scardy cat! And who knows, maybe you'll both bond somehow!"
Tord went to the tree not believing Tom would help him or open up to him, oh no
Tord wanted to show he wasn't a scardy cat or however Edd called him and also wanted to climb a tree, It is not for nothing that they say that curiosity killed the cat
When Tord reached the tree he noticed that the swing wasn't there
"Matt broke it after you left yesterday" Tord heard a voice say knowing exactly who it belonged to "I thought Edd went to find parts to repair it " Tord looked up to find Tom at one of the highest branches laying on the trunk of the tree
Tom sighed "I really hope for him he didn't make me climb here for nothing "
Tord approached the tree trying to figure out how to climb
" it's not physics clever boy, just put your leg where it feels it won't fall and hold tight on something with your hands" Tom commented what Tord saw as help, sure Tom insulted him on the way yet still help
Tord wished to show he could do it he started climbing it was found scary yet exciting
Slowly he made it to the first branch when Tom seemed to go silent Tord took the opportunity to try to talk to him
"Say..." he started while climbing "what's the deal with your clothes?"
Tom turned his head to face the opposite direction "if it means you'll stop bagging me with it"
Tom switched position on the branch, Tord was too busy climbing he didn't look up as Tom spoke "in short... my parents died when I was 4, commander Hilarson took me to his care being close friends with my parents, he didn't held a home back then and slept with the rest of the knights/guards in town and so do I, when I came I just became one of them, they don't have clothes my size so they made some " Tom told it as if it was someone else's story
Tord ignored it and asked a different question "aren't you supposed to be... qualified to be a knight to stay? What about that commander you spoke of? "
"What a curious kitty we have here, true they didn't take me officially until they found I was a 'natural' or whatever they called it, now they have big expectations of me or something, so they don't mind caring for me " he paused and Tord heard what seemed of a groan
"Commander became general and left to make his own home, he said I'll toughen up by it"
Tord was two branches away from Tom now it was quiet when he reached for the one before the last, Tord's head peeked above the branch lifting his head up
Tom looked at him inch away "boo"
Tord lost balance and expected a fall, again it never came, Tord reopened his eyes to see Tom holding his wrist slowly Tom lifted Tord to his branch
"How many times I'm gonna have to save you?" Tom grins with pride
"How many times you're about to risk my life ?" Tord remarked with venom
"Oh shu-" the branch made a crack "oh oh" they said in unison and it broke
They both fell off the tree
"Are you okay? You fell from pretty high"
Tord heard faint voices call he only realised to open his eyes when he heard a laugh close to him, muting all the other sounds only the laughter was to be heard now
A genuine happy laughter some seconds later Tord heard himself join in to Tom's laugh
"I don't know why I'm laughing but I didn't laugh like this in years"
Tom commented after calming down, he then lifted his upper body
"Everything hurts" Tord heard him mutter between chuckles
Now Tom was above Tord since Tord laid on Tom's lap

"Deres høyhet! Er alt i orden? Du ser ut som om du falt ned av taket!"
( "your highness! Is everything alright? You look like you fell of a roof!")
Pat sprints to the covered bandages prince with high quality very expensive clothes ruined
"Ja, ja, jeg hadde det faktisk veldig gøy!"         ("Yes yes I actually had lots of fun!")
"Vent til foreldrene dine vil høre om det..." ("Wait until your parents will hear about it..." )
Paul said plainly although you could see on his face the worry of both for the prince and himself
Sorry for the long wait again I just found a girl class under me that draws better and all my confidence was gone, now I found a slight to finish the shit art above
God 1000 words again?! I really love this chapter though hope you as well
Sorry for the long waits I'm trying to draw faster I swear!
For a bonus that you're still here I'll give you a spoiler for next chap
It might be the night after the contest where Tom and Tord are trying to get the fact they're stuck together
OR if I'm lucky enough (me bc smearing everything is a suffer for me more then you believe me) it'll be on Tom's and Edd's first day as Tord bodyguards

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