Two rivals on a hill

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"Look! This cloud looks like my face!" Matt exclaimed "wow it actually does" Edd said awed to see Matt's face as a cloud.
Tord was laying on the grass while watching the sky with Edd Matt and Tom by his sides, they were trying to find unique shapes of clouds although it was starting to get old.
Edd arose from the grass to a sitting position suddenly looking upset.
"Hey...guys?" Edd said in a low, sadder voice
"Mmh?" Was all Tom responded with "what's wrong?" Tord questioned worriedly.
Edd turned his gaze to Matt for help only to see him was still staring at the sky with a calm grin, Edd elbowed Matt nervously making the narcissist bolt up and get into business "right! We're going to be missing tomorrow, I'm afraid " Matt proclaimed formally, taking the lead in the conversation.
"What?!" Tord wanted to shout,however he didn't seeing Edd needed a calm reply
"Why?" He asked instead "well... it's just a sewing thing...nothing interesting"
Edd reassured "you don't mind, do you?" He then proceeded
"We're fine Edd" Tom replied bluntly for the both of them.
they both mind, they mind very much.

Next day came by fast and Tord was fed up with reading earlier then usual.
At first Tord groaned in frustration he can't leave without Matt since the group was scared Matt would get lost again.
Although then he remembered: Matt wasn't coming today which means Tord could leave at any moment his heart desires and his heart wants to leave now.
So that's exactly what the prince did, he called for his guardians and left.
On the way Tord realized Edd won't be there too, leaving him alone in the hiding spot, I mean why would shorty come? He knows he'll be stuck with me or be alone
what Tord didn't realize was that a certain eyeless friend was thinking the same thing.

"You came early" Tom stated the moment he met eyes with the prince
"I get from that you come here by that early time everyday?" Tord asked reaching closer to the only person who was around, that said person was at the top of the pile of boxes.
Tord noticed it was sort of Tom's owned seat, Tord believed Tom was sitting there to feel tall for once, the thought made him chuckle mentally.
"That's right , me and Edd usually practice together at this time of the day "
"Practice? " he quizzed as he sat on one of the other lower boxes
"You know fighting techniques, fencing and stuff, Edd wanted to know how to properly fight and since I'm practically a knight he asked me to teach him the ropes"
"Can you teach me instead?" Tord requested
The prince liked fights if you haven't already figured and his teacher was an old man who was almost blind and deaf, Tord always wanted to know the way of proper fighting, however his parents brushed it aside saying how the knights suppose to fight mostly not a king.
Tord looked up to Tom, wishing he could take what he said back
Why would he help me? He hates my guts!-
"Sure,why not" Tom responded plainly "it's not like I have anything better to do"
Wait what? "For real?" "Yeah yeah I just need to find the swords first, wait a sec"
Tom announces as he goes down to the ground searching for something in the boxes.
Tord was shocked yet glad beyond words "thank you" he grins with light pink cheeks towards Tom who paused from looking in the boxes and glared at the prince, for some odd reason Tom felt sudden warmth creeping his cheeks, he then shook his head back to the boxes and muttered "whatever".
Tord turned his gaze toward the sky swinging his legs and stupidly smiling.
"Found it" Tom declared holding in the air two actual swords in their sheath
"Those are real?" Tord exclaimed jumping off the boxes landing in front of Tom.
back in Norway he wasn't allowed near anything sharp even at his so called fighting class the sword was made of wood.
"I 'borrow' some from the weapons room...So! at first you'll need to dual with me, that way I'll know what you need to improve" Tom explained "I do insist the sword will stay in its sheath until I say otherwise" Tom then threw a sword to Tord who struggled catching it at first "yes sir" Tord teased causing both to snicker.
"Let the battle begin" Tom announced afterwards
(Again I suck at descriptions so I just won't)
Their fight was long, every time Tord made a move Tom said what was wrong with it if he dodged or blocked it , which was every single time.
The One time Tom decided to strike back accidentally caused the prince trip, Tom with his regular instincts held Tord with one hand on the other's waist stopping the fall.
Tord took the opportunity to his advantage and succeeded on throwing away Tom's sword, Tord then proceeded to make the end move  only for Tom to distract him enough to take Tord's sword away now in Tom's possession.
And so they trained until the early afternoon, a little before Tord would take his leave.
Currently Tord was panting heavily on the ground while Tom was standing smirking, he wasn't panting but you could see sweat rolling down his forehead
"You're good for someone who never had proper training before" Tom complimented, something he doesn't do.
"It would be fun to train with you princess" Tom spoke inviting Tord for more practice in his unique style "you'd really teach me?" Tord asked in disbelief
"Let's make a deal: I'll teach you how to become a warrior like a knight and you will teach me something else" Tord looked at the 'knight' in unamused rage "look even Edd teaches me something in return "
Tord's expression softened "alright, but why teaching? I mean I'm a PRINCE for crying out loud!" "I don't have private teachers like you do, nor do I go to school, that's the only way I found to learn like a student and yet not suffer like one" Tom shrugged.
"so it's a deal then princess?" Tom continues lifting his hand both to shake and help Tord up "deal"
This day wasn't bad after all

Wowie guess who got to 1000 words again? That's right this sinner
I didn't mention what they agreed Tord would teach Tom since I'm not sure myself, it could be anything honestly,
Anyway hope you enjoyed and have a chilling day/night

Shallow loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora