Mistake and stranger

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Earlier that day

Tom and Edd took off to another adventure, riding their horses with excitement in their hearts.
Tom gazed ahead on the road, while Edd examined the map to navigate them through their journey.

"You know, it's unfortunate we came to England after planning a vacation there, and then leaving so soon," Edd sighed, his brow furrowed with disappointment.

"Edd, may I remind you, it was your idea to take this job and leave England,in the first place" Tom retorted, turning to look at his friend with a raised eyebrow.

"It's not my fault. "They insisted on having the finest knights, and everyone in England see us most fitting! If we refused they might've doubted our abilities which we clearly have." Edd defended his decision, folding the map and crossing his arms.

"Whatever. Just keep your eyes on the map. I don't want to get lost again," Tom replied, avoiding further discussion.

Silence fell between them as they continued their journey until Edd decided to bring back up the conversation.
"You know, if we look on the bright side, it could be a great opportunity to get to know the royals better around here," Edd suggested optimistically.

"Edd, we're not having this conversation again. I won, and we're going to get there, win the prize, and then go have our vacation in England," Tom stated firmly, shutting down any further discussion.
"You're so mean, Tom. at least show some enthusiasm if you're here anyway " Edd argued, clear frustration in his voice.

"it's not just that—"

Tom's attention was suddenly drawn to a noise in the distance, interrupting Edd mid-sentence.
Without a word, he stepped down his horse and began running towards the source of the commotion.
"Tom, what in the world?" Edd called but Tom ignored him completely as he ran.

Tom arrived, facing a field where three strangers were approaching another figure.
Tom's focus was on the stranger, how despite the looming danger, the stranger's expression hinted at a sinister sense of purpose.
his hand seemed to approach the tree hole, even though it was far, Tom saw a glistening iron and understood the 'victim' intentions.
Meanwhile the robbers were in unstable positions and seemed inexperienced.

concerned about the thieves,He ran to stand between the three men and the threatened man.
His arm was raised in a protective gesture, ready to defend the stranger, while his other hand gripped his sword, ready to strike if needed.

"don't hurt them,"

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