Forgive forget

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"Don't want to ruin the mood those are regular beers "

Matt was out of their heads Tord like the rest watched Matt leaves the pub unlike Edd it didn't stop him to correct the blue knight "a little reminder, you're in Norway Thomas and the people that couldn't afford school at the time don't speak English "

"It's not bad actually " Edd informs the two as the intense vibe grew putting his best to stop it by drinking the beer immediately

"If I may ask What brings you to Norway?"

Tord was seeking the answer for that question since he met the two old friends of his of course Edd was the nice one to put Tord's wonder to an end

"We heard there's a job application you get after winning a contest against the best knights of all the united countries in Europe-"

"And Edd couldn't refuse and lose some honor or the opportunity to show off"

Tom added cutting Edd off in the middle of his sentence

"Hey! You wanted to join the contest yourself "

"Heh they're about to go down "

Tord never understood Tom's actions nor did Edd so after a few exchange of looks between Tord and Edd then at Tom they bursted laughing

Tom didn't join them he was just staring at the two while drinking the beer
this beer isn't bad after all he thought

When the two finally calmed down and stopped laughing Tord opened his mouth to say something when the bar's door was shot open with a loud bamn and all the three turned their heads to see the person who caused that bamn

It was Matt looking at the three with hysterical eyes and panting heavily holding a hand mirror now they're aware he went to the close market

"The dinner...welcome... royals..." Matt basically mumble between his breaths

it was enough for Tord to hear him and jump off the chair

"Oh lord we have to go" he then said

"Wha-what's going on?" Edd asked standing up himself following Tord to the exit

Tom stood up but didn't leave drinking all the beer left and putting some cash on the table

"Tom" Edd yelled at him already been far from the place door

Tom catches up with the crew fast and seeing his horse awaits him with Tord on it while Edd and Matt are ready to leave "come on fast now or I'll take the reins "

"Don't you even dare touch my horse " Tom shouts back

"Matt do you know the way?" Edd saw the other two being slow wanting to help he asked

"How can I? I just got here"

"Then we'll have to follow Tord then"

Tom set himself on the horse to be immediately instructed by Tord sitting behind him

Seeing Tord was in a rush Tom guided the horse to run the way

"while we're on the way care explain what in the world is happening?"

Tom question had no reply instead Tom heard Tord screech "you're going to fast!"

"Then grab onto something and answer me"

Tord's fear was now a grain compares to his annoyance

He knows very well there's nothing to grab that wouldn't reap apart or fall off

Tord said to himself he wanted to revenge for that sentence feeling a lightbulb above his head

Then Tord pulled his hands and grabbed no other then Tom's waist when Tord expected a yell from Tom he was left with silence it felt comfortable and safe which made Tord stay like this for the rest of the ride

"Norway royal family invited all the gentlefolks for a welcoming dinner, for you know...welcoming"

Tord replied to Tom's request Then told him where to turn at the next crossroad

Edd could hear above his two friends now he knows himself the reason for the two rush

Currently they were past the second gate where only the rich and nobles were living

Tord could see the hostel in his site shouting so Edd and Matt could hear even though they were slower then Tom and him

When they got to their destination Edd stopped harshly because Matt was trying to slip off before the horse stood so when tom continued his way towards the castle Edd couldn't follow

"What in the name of-Tom what are you doing?" Tord half yelling

"Oh please I'm not an idiot you're clearly the prince by the coat and accent "

Tom stated Tord thinks in his mind why is he the smart one of the group

They were at the woods a bit far away from the palace so the guards wouldn't notice

Tord got down off the horse starting to bounce off "hey" Tord was turning back to look at Tom as he spoke with venom

"Don't you think I'm going through the forgive forget Edd and Matt pulling up I didn't forgive and I will never forget..."

Tord wasn't moving shocked by what he just heard he was overwhelmed with those old feelings he couldn't hear when tom walked away


I know it's a long chapter (lol I wish) but I was inspired for so long wishing to write so don't judge

I wanted to upload this chapter for almost a week now but the wifi keeps screwing me over ahhhh

Hope you enjoyed c'ya next chapter

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